29| Forgive

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Chapter 29: Forgive (Amelia's POV)

"He's being unnecessarily mean," I sniffled, lying with Michael in my bed now. 

He sighed, continuously running his fingers through my hair. "You're also getting unnecessarily upset, babe." 

"I'm not," I groaned, wiping my cheek with the back of my hand and sitting upright only for him to immediately pull me back down. "He's being very mean. He's not even giving you another chance." 

"Everybody wouldn't just because you are. Which, I'm very grateful for, but Amelia, please, I am begging you, do not fight with your family over this." 

"How can I not? I love you and they don't have nice things to say about that, they're hardly accepting it and it's only my dad who knows," I scoffed, the tears finally coming to a halt and the disappointment and sadness in me being replaced by anger. "It's not fair. And don't you dare tell me not to fight with them about this. How is this fair? I don't get why they think it's so—" 

"They're your parents, Amelia. Cameron is your older sister

." I stopped, looking up at him from where my head rested on his shoulder. 

He continued tracing circles absentmindedly on my arm. "They're your family. They have every right to worry about you, every right to hate me too. You have a family, Amelia. Don't fight with them and risk doing anything to your relationship with them over somebody like me." 

I frowned, sitting up and facing him. "What do you mean somebody like you? Michael, they're your family too. And you are the best person I've ever met. I love you, Michael. You are the reason some of the best things in my life happened." 

"And the worst," he mumbled. 

I sighed, rolling my eyes as I scooted forward, poking his forehead so he looked up at me instead of his twiddling thumbs. "Michael Woods," I said slowly, making sure I had his attention. "You are the reason I believe in love, okay? And you are my favorite thing to exist and also my favorite that's ever happened to me. And I really don't care if my parents and sister can't find it within themselves to forgive you, but I do. I forgive you and I'm the one who got hurt, so my forgiveness is the only one that counts. Just how to me, it should only matter if you forgive me, not if uncle Mason does." 

"Uncle Mason wasn't even mad at you, he was mad at me," he chuckled dryly. 

I paused, moving up on my knees and then straddling him. "So? My mom was mad at me for a very long time, not you." 

He blinked up at me, looking so lost and innocent. He looked adorable. His hair was a mess, his shirt was off, his lips were in a small pout. "Really?" 

I nodded. "When I came home then, she scolded me. And I didn't fight with her because I agreed with her, whether I wanted to admit that or not. She told me that a person's career is something very important, that I shouldn't have pressured you in any way, that I should have had more faith in our relationship. She was right and she was very worried about you. Michael, my family really is your family too, I don't want you to stop thinking that just because Dad is angry with you. In fact," I stopped, squeezing his cheeks together and pecking his lips. 

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