I Like Me Better When I'm With You, Eddie

Start from the beginning

"Hey, can you turn the sink on?" Eddie asked.
"What's the magic word?" Venom replied with a chuckle. Eddie gave him a look.
The symbiote turned the knob and the water started spilling out of the faucet into the sink tub. Grabbing up the plug, Venom stabbed it into its place and reached for the soap.
"Hey, hey, hey, easy on the soap," Eddie cautioned as the eager alien began dumping handfuls of the liquid into the water.
"Sorry, but the bubbles are so fun to play with," Venom replied as he set the soap container back where it belonged.
"I scrub, you rinse," Eddie said.
"Because last time you covered me in soap bubbles, that's why," Eddie said with a sigh.
"It was pretty funny."
"No, it wasn't....."
"Aw, c'mon, Eddie......" Venom's tongue slowly stuck out at the man and it took all of Eddie's willpower to not stare at that long thing. " You looked cute."
"I...I did not. Now here. Rinse this."
Eddie, taken by surprise and blushing a little, handed the black creature a plate, which Venom took with a smirk.
They worked in silence for a few moments before Venom grew bored. He needed some spice to this boring work.
Looking over at his human who was vigorously scrubbing the egg pan, he looked into his memories. And to Venom's pleasure, he found out that the man was thinking about him...Venom.
Venom almost started purring with happiness.
Looking deeper into the memories, he saw that Eddie was thinking about them being together...about them and their good moments and their bad...about his dreams.
His dreams.
Venom was very pleased to find out that Eddie had been dreaming about them for weeks now. It wasn't anything special, mostly of them doing everyday things, but suddenly the alien stumbled across a wonderful discovery. Eddie had dreamt about them....that scene.
It could see and hear Eddie moaning as they kissed in the forest. He could still feel the man's heartbeat as he entered inside of him and could see the ecstasy written across his flushed face.
Just the remembrance of this old scene made Venom very, very happy. Venom wouldn't mind if they did it all over again. In fact, it wouldn't mind if they did it right now....but Eddie might not want to.
That gave Venom an idea. He slowly reached out a tentacle towards the radio that sat nearby the end of the countertop and flipped it on. An ad had just finished and the announcement speaking was the introduction for new songs about to be played.
As the song started playing, Eddie looked up from his scrubbing.

To be young and in love in New York City

To not know who I am, but still know that I'm good long as you're here with me

To be drunk and in love in New York City

Midnight into morning coffee

Burning through the hours talking

Damn, I like me better when I'm with you

I like me better when I'm with you

I knew from the first time

I'd stay for a long time 'cause

I like me better when

I like me better when I'm with you.

Eddie looked over at Venom who grinned that mysterious grin and started purring.
"Wipe that smirk off your face," Eddie said, trying to sound stern but his voice cracked. Venom moved his head closer.
"You know....this song isn't so bad...." he growled in that already thirsty manner that Eddie knew so well.
"Sh-shut up." Eddie went back to his scrubbing, keeping his face hidden from the prying eyes of the black head.

I don't know what it is, but I got that feeling

Waking up in this bed next to you

Swear the room, yeah, it got no ceiling

If we lay, let the day just pass us by

I might get to too much talking

I might have to tell you something

Damn, I like me better when I'm with you

I like me better when I'm with you

I knew from the first time

I'd stay for a long time 'cause

I like me better when

I like me better when I'm with you.

"Eddie ....." Eddie  could feel the tentacles gently wrapping around him as the symbiote moved closer. He wished his face would stop flushing but he couldn't help it.
"Dang it, V," he whispered as the soft, wet tongue tenderly curled around his neck. "Stop it. You're going to make me-"
" Then say it, pussy..." Eddie  looked up at the large, white, opalescent eyes and was about to say something, but the tentacles were making it so hard to concentrate. " I know you want it...."
"S-stop it." Eddie whimpered as his face flushed ten shades harder when Venom placed his forehead against his.

Stay awhile, stay awhile

Stay here with me

Stay awhile, stay awhile, oh

Stay awhile, stay awhile

Stay here with me

Lay here with me

Eh-eh, eh-eh, eh-eh, oh

I like me better when I'm with you

I like me better when I'm with you

I knew from the first time

I'd stay for a long time 'cause

I like me better when

I like me better when I'm with you.

"Stay with me, Eddie....." Eddie  closed his eyes and breathed in a shaky, excited breath as he felt the alien so close to him.
"Alright," he whispered.
" This song fits us."
"I...I don't like coffee."
" You don't have to. All you have to do is be mine. Plus, that means you were listening to the song..."
Eddie could feel his heart picking up its pace.
"R-really, V?" he whimpered as the tongue tickled his chest and the tentacles started traveling lower down his body, making him bite his lip to keep from making any sounds.
"Really, Eddieee..."
"Eddie....I like it when we're together. Especially how this song puts it. What was it? Oh, yes....I like me better when I'm with you," Venom hummed as he stared down at Eddie lovingly. "I like me better when I'm with you, Eddie..."
Eddie giggled a little as Venom licked him again and pulled him closer, the binds around the man tightening in a possessive and warm hug, Venom grinning wider.
"Love you, Eddie...."
Eddie blushed and smiled as Venom's tentacle softly curled around his throbbing dick and worked its wonderful magic.
"Yeah. Same here, buddy."

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