3 | house of horrors

Start from the beginning

"Well you've both missed your chance to say goodbye to Marcie"

"She'll live" Damien shrugged, "It's not like any of us won't be seeing each other over the holidays" and the group of them nodded in acknowledgement, knowing that dinner parties and gala's would be in their future for the summer season.

Perenelle could see Vaudeline take note of something across the platform, before turning to the others,

"I'll be right back— I think I've left something"

"—What on earth could you have le-"

Though Perenelle cut herself off, as Vaudeline had disappeared in a haste.

"It's alright, I'll go with her" Damien said— as though it would comfort her, and Perenelle looked at Antonin in astonishment as they were left alone,

"What's he need to do that for? It's nineteen-seventy two for Merlin's sake! We don't need to be bloody chaperoned"

"You know how he is" Antonin shrugged, "Afraid some other pureblood will catch your sisters eye"

Perenelle refrained from reminding him that they were twelve, though knew it would be useless. Her eldest sister had been promised to Rodolphus Lestrange at thirteen after all, and though it may have been rather young even for their standards, that certainly didn't mean it didn't happen.

She tried to block the thought of her sister and Damien out of her mind as she heard her name being called.

Andromeda was approaching the pair, dragging a rather unamused Sirius by the arm, though he made no attempt to escape her.

"Now where in Merlin's name has Vaudeline gone?" Andromeda huffed, as though merely tracking down Sirius alone had knocked the wind out of her— which, considering Sirius' behaviour lately it probably had.

Antonin opened his mouth to reply though Perenelle silenced him with a quick and unnoticeable nudge to the arm— honestly, what was it with these boys and thinking that they had to speak for them?

"I think she just went back for something she forgot"

The older girl nodded, her eyes scanning the part of the platform where families gathered as though looking for someone, though that was ridiculous, as as far as Pera knew there wouldn't be anyone retrieving them.

"Can't I just me—"

"—No Sirius" Andromeda snapped, and even Antonin stopped to look at her incredulously, as Andromeda was the sister known for her calm and reserved nature.

"—I'm sorry, I'm stressed enough as it is at the moment"

"But what fo—"

"—Here we are!" Narcissa had finally made her appearance, Vaudeline behind her and dragged along by a strong grip on the younger girl's wrist. Antonin, noticing that Damien had not returned with them, quickly made himself scarce.

To anyone else observing the youngest generation of the noble house, the scene was not one out of the ordinary.

Though having been well versed in the family's subtle approach at saving face Perenelle and Sirius both were immediately drawn to the way Narcissa's grip on Vaudeline was nearing deathly-tight, made all the more suspicious by the ever present grin and cheery eyes plastered on the blonde's impeccably done up face.

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