Chapter 6: The Third Prince's Wish

Start from the beginning

Why was he suddenly reminded of Cohlin's words?

There's no way the way he's feeling right now is...

"Hm...Sounds troublesome."

He recalls himself saying.

No...It's not troublesome at all. There were moments of frustration from being teased and such, but ever since that day they arrived home from the city, he never found Arthir troublesome. What the hell is going on?

After that, Cyris reluctantly separates from Arthir after carrying him to his room. He wondered what Arthir felt as well. There were so many questions in his mind and he contemplated for a long time. It's a question locked deep down...What are we? How do you feel about me? What am I to you? Will you...stay? Regardless of the results of our match?


Cyris quietly ponders as he makes his way to his office.

He decides to further explore these growing feelings and conduct a little test.

The next day, he works beside his father.

"Why is he hated by his own country?" Cyris asked. "When I mentioned it one time, he didn't look well."

The emperor looked crestfallen and elaborated. He knew who exactly Cyris meant. "It's because he is a good person surrounded by powerful evil people. It was realistically impossible for him to fight on his own. They consider him as a tool they can use and dispose of easily."


"They do not care if you decide not to wed Prince Arthir since they consider him as someone they can throw away, so they do not fear you because they are not the ones here." The Emperor further explained. "But if you choose to marry Arthir, then they will rejoice and gain power..."

His father's words made him clench his fist, all kinds of emotions piercing through his heart. It was unfamiliar, but there was one thing he knew he wanted to do and will do. It was to keep Arthir away from such people and meet them himself for a simple talk.

It wasn't even directed at him. Cyris wasn't the tool or something to be disposed of, it was someone else and that was Arthir. So it made Cyris wonder how words and facts were able to evoke emotions within him, an emotion that wanted to burst. Then he realized...

He's like this because it's about Arthir.

He's feeling this way for Arthir.

Cyris still wasn't completely sure if this feeling was the same one Cohlin spoke about, thing's for sure. He wants to protect Arthir.

Cyris leaves his father's office later after completing his tasks. Now he'll take his break and prepare for a meeting later in the afternoon. He decides to spend time inside his office and think about more of what he can do for Arthir. In order to get to his office, he must pass by a garden. When he did, he finds Arthir reading one of his novels with his maid at a table.

He approaches Arthir.

The maid notices Cyris first since Arthir was so absorbed reading his novel. Cyris waves his hand at Selena and Selena understands his gesture without fail. She leaves them with a smile on her face, rooting.

Cyris sits beside Arthir, who still hasn't noticed his presence, which elicits a smile from Cyris.

So expressive...Cyris thought, watching Arthir's face rapidly change emotions from one page to the next. Arthir murmured something, loud enough for Cyris to hear. "Yes, that's it. Fight on!"


A few pages later, he suddenly turns red for a long while before exhaling. He was rooting for a character, the next second he huffed and puffed his cheeks out angrily, and the next he was laughing. He's so expressive when it comes to this...

Suddenly, tears streamed down Arthir's face, startling Cyris.

"H-Hey, is something wrong?"

"...Prince Cyris!? How long have you been there!?" Arthir jumps, slamming his book shut.

"Not long..."

Arthir looks around, probably in search of Selena. A few seconds pass before Arthir's tense shoulders drop and takes a seat.

"Sorry, it's just of the scenes in the novel reminded me of my homeland."

Cyris is curious, there is no doubt about that. However...he didn't want to gain the same reaction from before when they were in the city. It's a reaction he never wants to see again. He opted to push forward and carefully inquired. "What is like in Aiziles?"

Arthir lowers his gaze, staring at his herbal tea. "Poverty and corruption plague the streets like a disease, my prince. If I were to make an analogy, I would compare my entire homeland to a cage, a prison. Those outside the cage will mock you and ruin your life, and those inside the cage have no choice but to take it and endure it."


Arthir frowns, eyes turning glossy which pierces Cyris's heart. "I wish to go back...I have to save them and change Aiziles."

Cyris reaches out his hand, taking Arthir's own hand. The third prince looked at Cyris, a bit startled.

"May I help you?"

Arthir found himself at a loss for words., his heart twisting into a peculiar feeling just from hearing such words. It hurts him, realizing that he'd never experienced it, but it also made him feel lighter and soft.

"Thank you for your concern, your highness." Arthir replies. "But this is my kingdom. There is no need for you to go out of your way for-"

"Why do you have to fight all your problems alone?" Cyris asked, promptly silencing Arthir. "I want to go out of my way for you."

Arthir didn't know what kind of face he was making at this moment, but he felt warm all over. He stammered, "P-Prince Cyris, why?"

Because I-


"Your highness, love is not violence and war. It's care and respect. It's a feeling where you find that someone you wish to protect and cherish with all your heart, mind and soul." Cohlin says slowly with a gentle tone. "When you love someone, you will do everything for this person and they complete you. They become the most beautiful and valuable treasure in your life."

Cyris was slowly starting to realize the weight behind Cohlin's words.


It's time for him to kick the bucket and admit the fact that he's devastatingly in love with Arthir.


And so a part of the Arthir's past is shown!

Hey guys!!

How are we all today?

And...FINALLY! Cyris admits he's in love!

Cohlin: THANK GOD!

Emperor: *Fainted*

They'll be fine.

Ahh! Hopefully this chapter is fine! I'm still worried that it's not enough! Please feel free to point out any mistakes! Thank you everyone for all the support, views, votes and comments!

I'll see you all in the next chapter!

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