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Ahri was sitting on Hyunjin's bed while looking at her phone when Hyunjin came back. "Your parents are here" Ahri's eyes slightly widened. "Already?" She asked and left her phone on the bed.

Ahri was holding onto Hyunjin's arm when they entered the throne room. Ahri noticed Empress looking at her and she chuckled. That's when she realized why Empress laughed at her, it was because of multiple fresh marks on her neck.

She awkwardly smiled and scratched her neck in embarrassment. Ahri's dad gave her a look of disappointment as he saw all these purple marks. "I told you it'll be awkward" Ahri whispered making Hyunjin pat her head.

"Coronation will take place in five days after Hyunjin's birthday" The words that came out of Emperor's mouth were comforting for Ahri as she was now sure that her dad and mom will get their crown.

"On that day we will also proceed with Hyunjin's and Ahri's wedding" Emperor added and Ahri's eyes widened. The young couple looked at each other and then at the Emperor.

"But Dad Ahri won't be 19 yet" Hyunjin said making his Dad chuckle. "Son, her parents already agreed on that. And you two already got engaged so what's the problem? Her age? She will have to get married anyway, there's not a big difference between you two" Ahri was fine with getting married early but she thought it was very sudden and there's really not a lot of time left. Hyunjin's birthday is in two days..


"Let's get you a dress. You need to look the best as Hyunjin's fiancée" Ahri's mom said as she stood up and started looking at the dresses that their stylist brought. ''What color they said again?'' Seojin asked her daughter as she looked at the dresses. ''Red'' Ahri replied as she looked around. Ahri already had a dress in mind and it was in her dress room already, but she couldn't say no to her mother. 

After trying on multiple dresses the two girls agreed on the final one.

After trying on multiple dresses the two girls agreed on the final one

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It was the best choice among all the dresses. Hyunjin as the birthday boy has to wear red, and Ahri as his future wife also has to wear red. No one else can wear this color as it's against the tradition. Ahri on her birthday will also have to wear red and Hyunjin at that time as her husband will also wear red.

The two came back home and Ahri made sure that the dress is in a safe place. Ahri was going out with her brothers so there was no one home as her mom drove to get some paperwork done.


"Yunho-yah, our plan is great and there's no way we gonna fail this" Eunsoo said excited as she creepily smiled. "I saw what dress she bought and I'll be able to make the same one, of course it'll be a bit different than the designer one but it'll do" Eunsoo added. "How am I supposed to know what type of suit Hyunjin is going to wear?" Eunsoo smiled at Yunho's words. "Don't worry, I'll take care of it" What Eunsoo has planned was a perfect plan of how to mess up their marriage.

Eunsoo at that time didn't knew that Yunho will proceed with his own plan which is not the best one.


"So what's the news?" Heeseung asked his sister with a huge smile on his face. "Well my parents will have their coronation in four days and that's also my wedding day.." Ahri said while awkwardly smiling. "No way!" Minho said with his eyes wide open. "That's like a year and 3 months earlier" Minho added and Ahri nodded in agreement. "Hyunjin said he will ask the Emperor why so quickly. Even Hyunjin was taken aback with these news" Ahri said while sipping on her bubble tea.

"I mean it can be a good thing. After you two get married you'll receive his protection which basically means that their guards have a duty to protect you and your guards have a duty to protect him. It's more convenient that way." Minho explained to his younger sister.

"I guess that's convenient.. I just hope that they won't tell us to have babies early. I ain't giving birth for the next 6-7 years" Ahri said worried. "They can ask you if you're OK with it or when do you think you'll want to have kids but they cannot push you to it. It's 2019 come on" Minho knew these types of things very well. He was the smartest out of the three of us.

He was going to study law because that's what his parents want but at this point he'll probably do what he wants to which is living peacefully with his cats.

"Ahri-yah, don't feel guilty towards us" Heeseung said as he hated it whenever she felt sorry towards them or guilty for something. "It's not our fault that our parents are terrible and fake." Minho said comforting his sister.

The three knew that no matter what, they can trust each other. Lee siblings had a day full of excitement and fun as they spent the whole day together.


a lot of things will happen in the next chapter so you can look forward to it

get ready to get angry and be ready to throw hands

the chapter may actually come out later today

hope you have a wonderful day and remember that you're special



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