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Tom and Cosette walked side by side in complete silence on the way back up to the cottage. She was afraid to even look at him as she replayed the previous events in her head. She wasn't even sure if what happened was real. Her only reality being the fact that Tom was here with her and she still clutched the locket in her hand... and she was alive.

After walking for what felt like hours, Cosette opened the door to the cottage and motioned for Tom to enter. His presence loomed large in the small house, and Cosette thought how he looked out of place. Tom belonged in elegantly decorated victorian mansions. Not small, dark cottages in the mountains of Austria.

He tucked his hands into his pockets as Cosette closed the door behind them. An overwhelming wave of nausea came over her as she realized she had no idea what was about to unfold between the two of them. She almost wished they weren't completely alone.

"So this is where you've been hiding from me," said Tom as he looked around the room.

She didn't know what to say. She felt awkward still holding the locket, so she hastily stuffed it into her pocket, not wanting Tom to look at it or ask for it. Perhaps this whole thing was a trick. He could easily be planing on killing her here and leaving her. Make it look like an accident, take the locket and flee. She kept her wand in reach now that she had that thought implanted in her brain.

Tom noticed her silence and turned to face her. She had no choice but to look at him.

"You need not be afraid of me," he said. "I've said I'm not going to kill you."

A small amount of relief washed over her, but she remained cautious. She still did not completely trust him.

"You wanted to talk," she said. It was the only thing she could think to say. "So talk."

He shrugged his shoulders. "Tell me what you want to know."

This was her chance. She could ask Tom anything and everything. She needed to be careful with how she worded what she wanted to say. Saying the wrong thing could easily set him off. He was unpredictable and not the best person to get answers from. He liked to hide certain information he felt like keeping to himself. But now... given the circumstances, she hoped he would tell the truth. At least to her.

"How did you find me?" she asked.

Tom smirked and internally she melted.

"I already told you that information is inconsequential," he repeated.

Cosette huffed. "I thought you were going to give me answers."

"I gave you an answer."

"You brushed off the question," she corrected.

"Why does it even matter?"

She shrugged. "If you know I'm here then my father knows I'm here as well."

Tom looked around the room. "I don't see him anywhere."

"That's because you have him imprisoned."

He smirked. "He doesn't know where you are, Cosette. He doesn't know anything. In fact, he's essentially been no help to me at all. He's lucky he's even still alive."

"Why did you capture him?"

"He came to me willingly. He was looking for you and the rest of your family. I told him if he helped me find you, then I would help him find them. But, since he was unable to provide me with what I want, I think I'll dispose of him. He's caused me nothing but trouble since the beginning. Not to mention, he's more of a nuisance than anything."

Means To An End || Tom Riddle StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum