Mr. Time Boss

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             What makes someone take a ridiculous risk?  What makes one decided to put other's needs in front of their own in crisis?  In panic, what makes you look for the people you care about before you even notice that you yourself are falling?  Some people would call it being selfless but Zoe thought of it as the opposite.  The selfish desire to be with someone, to not suffer alone.  They say misery like company but danger craves it.  Danger craves the ability to hang everything you've ever cared about in your sad little life above a fire.  And danger will make you jump head first into the damned fire without second thought.  Danger shows you the true consequences of careering.

              When she caught Andy's eye as the smoky gas filled the air impulse guided her decision.  She barely pulled his arm but his body crashed into her and she willed the wind to make her bubble a clean air wider.  I am the daughter of Zeus.  I am lightning.  I am rain.  I am wind.  I am the storm that the world fears.  My father rules the sky and the gods.  I can and will make whatever the fuck I want happen.  The air moved to do her bidding, she was shaking, her side throbbed with every stupid breath of air.  Over his shoulder she saw the others being dragged away by the people in matte gold mask.  Those motherfuckers, she was going to kill each and every one of them when she got the chance.

             She knew it was a bad idea when she told Andy to grab her sword but keeping them both conscious took all of her concentration but she was glad when he listened.  They were incredibly outnumbered even before they were ambushed.  Andy held the sword out in front both of them, it looked awkward and wobbly in his hand and she cringed at the sight.  "That's rather clever of you Zoe" a voice said, she couldn't even tell which one for it was obscured by some type of sound alternator.  Her name being spoken cleared every question she had had about who they were fighting.  It was demigods, demigods that she should know, it made her sick, it made her mad.  

          "Yes, I know I'm smart thank you" she remarked

           They just chuckled, "Does he even know how to use that sword?  Just give up already"

           "No" Andy's voice shook with something that wasn't quite fear, "I have no idea how to use this thing but chances are that if I close my eyes and spin around I'm likely to cut at least one of your heads off."

           "Oh you see you are clever but not enough.  Let's be realistic she's bound to pass out eventually from the strain of keeping the gas away.  When she falls you will have about. . . lets say fifteen seconds before you go down too then the same thing that happened to them will happen to you."

             She laughed, "Oh you wish I would pass out don't you.  Well I think you're weak, it's not hard to kill me especially right now so what's stopping you?"  Hey gods, she prayed, if any of you are watching right now help this work.  "You called me dumb but really did you think we would do this alone?"

             "What?" the masked figure started

             "Behind you, ya dumb fuck" she said with a smile.  There was absolutely nothing behind him, there wasn't even a plan but he looked away for long enough.  The poison in the air was naturally dwindling and she had enough time to push all of the toxic air away.  With a woosh of wind the masked demigods where thrown against the walls and they could breath freely again.

            Andy had a slight look of amazement on his face, "That was like the most epic made you look in history"

           She snatched her sword from his hand, "Andy, grab your bow."  She was grinning out of excitement from her little victory, briefly she thought of how Issac would have told her good job then corrected every flaw in the plan.  When the gold mask began advancing again she ran her thumb across the middle of her sword spreading electricity throughout it.  "Are you scared?" she called, "For your sake I hope so", and that's when weapons were drawn.  She turned to Andy, "How much cover do you think you're gonna need?"

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