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I feel my eyes open and see Naruto.

Kakashi: "Guys he is awake now."

I then look at Naruto with tears in my eyes.

Menma: "Yay I found mommy."

I said that fake crying then ran over to Naruto and hugged him.

Menma: "I found you mommy now we need to find daddy so you guys can kiss."

Naruto: "Well daddy is coming but we're not going to kiss."

Well time for something special.

Menma: "Well then are you going to do that thing with daddy at night."

Naruto: "What thing?"

Menma: "Well each night in your room you and daddy make weird noises. You keep asking daddy for more and more. Then one night I looked in your room and daddy was on top of you."

Well then I see Naruto blushing.

Naruto: "No where not going to do anything."

Well it was worth saying all of that. I then hug Naruto tighter as I slowly fall asleep.


Kakashi: "Naruto did he just say you and Sasuke had S*x and he saw."

Naruto: "Yep, I also forgot to ask his name."

Sakura: "Well he should call Ino to make sure he's telling the truth. Well I will go get her myself to."

A few minutes pass and Sakura had Ino with her.

Naruto: "Okay Ino we want you to check his memories."

Ino just nodes and does the jutsu. She is walking in Menma's mind and hears noises. The scene that changes to Menma looking through a door. What she sees in that door is Naruto and Sasuke having S*x.

Ino in the real world was blushing with a bloody nose. Every one in the room had worried faces. Ino then stoped the jutsu because she seen so much.

Naruto: "Well is the kid telling the truth?"

Ino: "Yes and he saw a lot about ten minutes. He didn't know what was even going on. Well I got to say it was nice to see."

Naruto and Sasuke's Son in BorutoWhere stories live. Discover now