"We're sorry but we had to disappear for a while. A whole ass mafia chased us."

I look at Kiyoko, pained. "For seven years?" My voice is quiet and vulnerable. "We were 16 Kiyoko. And you were 17 Daishi. What in the world could you possibly have done that a Mafia chased you?"

"Well..." Daishi hesitates so Kiyoko steps in and answers for him. "Daishi killed the wife and child of the Mongolian Mafia."

I shake my head in disapproval but I won't pick on this theme. It doesn't matter now anyway.

"But why didn't you come to us for help or at least tell us?"

"You were so young and were just getting started. We didn't want you to have your first big problem because of us."

I hum and narrow my eyes. "And what are you doing here now?" I raise one brown as I cross my arms across my chest.

They give each other a look but stay quiet. Daishi scratches his neck nervously and looks anywhere but me.

"Kiyoko Fen Youlan and Daishi Youlan. I deserve an explanation. For seven freaking years I thought you were dead. You were my shoulder to lean on when the others weren't available. I was fucking depressed. We even thought about doing a funeral but we decided against it because we know you wouldn't want that. And now. All of a sudden you stand here. In front of me. Vanessa and Sebastian are probably already worried about where I am and imagine how happy they will be when they find out that you are still alive. So don't give me the silent treatment."

Their heads hang low but Daishi takes a deep breath and starts talking. "I don't think it's important how I killed these people but trust me, they deserved it. We didn't want to pull you into our trouble so we disappeared and sorted things out. It took us five years to destroy the whole mafia. When we were finished we wanted to come back but then we found out that you were the biggest Mafia in the world. You made it in five years. And it must've been hard, especially as a woman. So we thought you didn't need us. But then... umm..."

I narrow my eyes and Kiyoko glares daggers at the side of his head. She turns back to me and shoots me one of the most fakest and nervous grin I have ever seen. She elbows his ribs causing him to hiss but he immediately starts talking again. "Well. We kind of, helped you?, you  know? Like in 'We worked for you without you actually knowing'" he let's out a nervous laugh.

I nod. "So you were doing a mission for me today?" They shake their head yes.

"Okay. But then my question is," I calmly take a step closer to them, "How fucking stupid are you?" my voice raises a bit. They gulp and look at each other with wide eyes.

I sigh. My hand flies to the root of my nose, rubbing it.

"Have you at least got some information?"

"Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Enough."

I nod at that when suddenly the door from across the desk flies open.

Ace stands there with his gun raised at the two. The two turn to the door, blocking my view and probably me, too.

"Look. Let's make this quick. I don't want to be here. I just need to bring her back so her stupid friends will stop annoying me. So, where is she?"

Daishi points his thump behind him. "Right behind me."

Ace scoffs. "Yeah right."

"No I'm serious. She's right behind me."

By the time Daishi steps out of the way I am already hiding behind the big desk.

I hear Daishi mutter something along the lines 'this crazy bitch' and have seen Kiyoko shake her head at my stupid games.

From the sound of it Ace throws a punch at Daishi but he dodged it. "Woah man. We don't wanna get violent here. I swear to fuck. She is right behind that desk." I peek up from the desk when Ace sighs. He throws another punch, but this time Daishi doesn't dodge it. After a few seconds they end up on the floor somehow and Kiyoko giggles. Ace stops in his movement and looks at her.

"And what are you laughing at?"

"God, she really loves to play people." I stand up with a smirk. Ace notices and glares at me.

He frowns, "Then who the fuck are you?"

"Friends" Kiyoko answers with a small mischievous grin.

He looks back to me and I nod.

He runs a hand over his face before getting up and stretching out a hand to Daishi. Ace pats his back as Daishi glares at me. I let laugh and Kiyoko joins me. I walk over to them and pat his chest and walk to the door. "They are coming with us. No discussion."


I'm not really great at writing fighting scenes at any kind🥲
If you have any tips for me on how to improve my writing pls send me a message or sth like that:)

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