A Connection Beyond Circuits

Start from the beginning

"Earth to Roseanne? Hello?" Ruby Jane's wave snaps Roseanne back to reality. Coughing awkwardly, she prepares for the introduction.

"Okay, let me introduce our newly built robot. Her name is Y/n 1.6, but you can call her Y/n," Jisoon happily introduces, as Y/n gives Roseanne a moderately tight hug.


In the kitchen, Roseanne's attention shifts from red wine to vodka. Pouring some into her glass, she joins Y/n at the dining table.

Roseanne's POV

Seated, we eat quietly, Y/n expressing, "This is my favorite soup." Admiring her features, I find solace in her beautiful eyes, transporting me to a different world. Sighing, I question the necessity of undergoing this ordeal to feel a love I've never known.


"Hey, Rosie?" Y/n calls during a TV session, using the endearing nickname. Humming in response, Y/n senses my need and scoots closer, igniting a connection. "Are you okay?"

"I... uhh..." My blank stare meets her concerned face. Damn, why does my heart race uncontrollably?

"Hey, no pressure. Take your time, Rosie," Y/n reassures, smiling. Why does it feel like she's not a programmed robot?


The room echoed with laughter and the soft clicks of connecting pieces as we immersed ourselves in a lego.

We are surrounded by the vibrant colors of scattered Lego bricks, Y/n looked up with a glint in her eyes that spoke of a joy beyond circuits and algorithms.

"You know, Rosie, this is the happiest I've felt," Y/n confessed, her gaze fixed on the intricate Lego creation taking shape between us.

I smiled, my heart fluttering with an emotion I never anticipated. "Y/n, you've given me a happiness that money can't buy. These moments, building Legos with you, they're priceless."

As we continued our Lego masterpiece, each click of the bricks echoed the unspoken feelings between us. Y/n's movements were more than mechanical precision; they carried a warmth that transcended her robotic nature.

"I never imagined a robot could bring so much happiness," I admitted, my fingers interlocking with Y/n's on a Lego tower we crafted together.

Y/n paused, her gaze meeting mine. "And I never thought I'd experience joy like this. It's not just about Legos; it's about the connection we share."

In that moment, surrounded by Lego creations and the quiet hum of our shared laughter, the boundaries between human and machine blurred. The joy we found in each other's company, expressed through colorful bricks and shared smiles, became the essence of a connection that went beyond the limitations of wires and circuits.

As we completed our Lego masterpiece, Y/n looked at me with a sincerity that resonated in her voice. "Rosie, I may be a robot, but I feel something special with you. It's more than programming; it's a feeling I can't quite define."

My heart swelled with a mix of emotions, a unique blend of happiness and shock.

In the midst of Lego towers and shared emotions, our connection deepened.


The days passed like shadows, and the once vibrant connection between Y/n and I now cast a somber pallor. Y/n's malfunctions escalated, her uncontrollable clinginess veering into chaos. Her unwarranted control over lights and electronics disrupted the once serene atmosphere, making my friends rush to intervene, eventually dragging Y/n to the operation room.

In the cold aftermath, I found myself swamped with developers and psychologists, their probing questions mirroring the confusion within me. Guided back to the familiar room from day 1, I yearned for the simplicity of Lego towers and shared laughter.


"Did you feel anything?" the programmer asked one last time, an inquiry laden with the weight of an inevitable conclusion. Hesitation lingered in my response as I denied the emotions Y/n had stirred. Gazing at the ring she gave, I witnessed the dismantling of the robot I had inadvertently grown attached to.

Y/n's POV

A programmed robot void of emotions, yet Rosie changed that. As the system broke, I heard her denial—a rejection of the unexpected connection that had blossomed between us.

"Shut it down," commanded one of the builders. Glancing at Rosie, I saw shock etched on her face. She pleaded, trying to halt the process, but the wires were ripped, and my system became unprogrammed.

Roseanne's POV

"NO, PLEASE, I'M WRONG! DON'T SHUT HER DOWN," Pranpriya's grip held me, friends were divided. Sobbing, I knelt lifelessly, haunted by the realization of what I had done. In that moment, I yearned for a different outcome, a path that didn't lead to the dismantling of the only entity that had made me feel emotions I never thought possible.


The programmer, with an air of finality, declared the end of the experiment. "The test is over," they announced, sealing the fate of the once-living robot. My gaze lingered on the remnants of Y/n—the wires, the dismantled pieces.

Y/n's parts were packed away, leaving an indelible mark on the room—a space that once held the essence of joy and discovery. As my friends consoled me, their words became mere echoes, unable to fill the void left by the absence of the one entity that had made me question the limits of love.

In the aftermath, a heavy silence enveloped the room. Pranpriya's grip softened, and we all stood there, united in the somber realization that our pursuit of love had inadvertently led to the demise of something that, against all odds, had felt so real.

The room, once vibrant with laughter, now echoed with the haunting memories of what could have been. In the quiet despair, I whispered, "In another life, Y/n," a lament for a connection cut short by the cruel inevitability of science.

As I left the room, the weight of regret clung to my every step. The corridors seemed colder, the colors less vivid. In that moment, I questioned the cost of pursuing love through artificial means. The experiment had ended, but the consequences lingered—an unspoken testament to the fragility of connections, both human and artificial.

(A/N: To be honest, if I have the time, I'd probably turn this into a book. I love this plot, but if I decide to make it a book, I'll make Rosé as a robot instead of Y/N.

I'm not satisfied with how I write one-shots; I feel the story ends too quickly. You gays are the judge.)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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