A Connection Beyond Circuits

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this is based on the music video 365 by katy perry

Third Person POV

Roseanne, a formidable businesswoman in Australia, remains untouched by the elusive tendrils of love. Despite her success, love's embrace eludes her; relationships and crushes remain uncharted territories. However, the winds of change sweep in when she learns of her three friends' new project. Eagerly, she becomes the chosen subject for their experiment, embarking on a journey to finally experience the 'love' she has awaited her entire life.


"Define Obsession," queries one of the developers to the human candidate for their newly programmed robot.

"An unhealthy dependency," Roseanne replies, unfazed by the wires attaching to her head and hands.

"Can you return to normal after this study?" another inquiry follows as fingers type on the monitor.

"Absolutely," Roseanne answers uncertainly, triggering the computer's irregularity detection. Fidgeting fingers mirror the uncomfortable stares from the developers outside the room.

"Define love."


Developers and scientists feverishly prepare their robot for the upcoming test. Ruby Jane meticulously scans her body, ensuring completeness. A signal is given, and the team dresses the robot, Pranpriya opting for black and white stripes. Carefully, they dress the robot while others scrutinize the coded actions in the system.

The robot strides into the testing room. Initiating the hug test with a giant bear, developers click the hug button. The robot awkwardly embraces the bear, unintentionally ruining it. The developer slides the controlling pad, and the robot unhugs the bear person.

"I think one of the developers should go inside and teach her how to slowly dance with the bear first," suggests Jisoon, gaining agreement. Pranpriya bravely volunteers.

Inside, Pranpriya carefully teaches the robot, lifting its hands and placing them on the human bear's shoulders, seemingly making the robot "happy."

Days pass, leading to the final test. The robot and the human bear engage in gradual conversation. The human bear poses human questions, and the robot successfully answers with human expressions, earning a resounding applause from the developers and scientists.

On the other hand, Roseanne undergoes her treadmill test, seemingly earning approval from the two scientists.


The robot prepares herself, applying red lipstick, while Roseanne dons a complete black suit with a pair of black heels.

Greeted by her three friends with a group hug, Roseanne nervously nods at Jisoon's question. Ruby Jane sternly warns her not to fall in love with the robot, sparking laughter from Roseanne.

"Pfft, me? In love? My ass! How could I get in love with a robot? I just want to volunteer here to feel a love beyond friendship," Roseanne asserts, with Pranpriya supporting her truth.

"Geeze. You haven't seen the robot we've built. She's beyond gorgeous, Roseanne. If she were human, I would totally hit on her," Pranpriya remarks, receiving a slap from the oldest.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever Pranpriya. Let's go inside now, shall we?" Jisoon interrupts, steering away from a deeper discussion.

Inside the test room, introduced by white smoke, Roseanne halts, mouth agape at the well-built robot. Cursing Pranpriya silently, she acknowledges the robot's undeniable beauty—a red suit perfectly embracing its form.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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