Começar do início

"P-Pernille?" I ask, my whole face collapsing in a second.

"Yeah, that's the one! You know her?"

"I've heard about her, yeah... Um, I'm gonna get some air, plus I gotta make a phone call, I'll come back right after, yeah?"

As Lia waves at me, I almost run out of the building and throw up on the street.




"Oh my- FUCK" I express myself, closing the conversation with Leah in a heartbeat. 

"Um, something wrong?" Jordyn asks, raising her eyebrows.

Of course I had to be a weird fuck in the middle of a briefing session with my two young apprentices and a pretty surprised Frida, who had never seen me so expressive. Making a small gesture with my hand that meant it was nothing, I restore the attention on Frida, who was leading the briefing. 

Throwing me a deadly look, the Swede goes on:

"Anyway, a source inside the London P.D. had interesting updates we can use for our article... the individual we thought was Katie McCabe actually wasn't: Katie is safe and alive in Saint Ives, which cannot be said about her twin sister, Helen, who usurped her sister's identity to get closer to Leah Williamson. I could bet my little finger that this girl isn't a regular student and is somehow related to the crime that occurred in Saint Ives..."

Frowning, I immediately say:

"To be honest, knowing Leah pretty well because she and I have known each other since our birth, I really think you're on the wrong track."

"Or maybe your proximity with her doesn't allow you to be neutral when approaching the case?" Frida suggests, raising her eyebrows.

Be smart.

"Then should I also be taken into consideration as a suspect? I mean, I know both Leah and Mapi, and even saw the latter die under my eyes, so... The proximity is quite shocking, isn't it ?"

"This isn't the same thing, Engen" the Swede immediately says, rolling her eyes, "Helen McCabe didn't come looking for you."

"But she might've if she knew I was living in London as well. Incriminating Leah means you gotta incriminate me as well, right? Suspect me too!"

Of course I am bluffing - but I had learned to get to know Frida better, and I kind of knew how she would react... at least I bet on it. 

Shaking her head, she just says:

"Alright, we get your point: but we can't just forget about Leah Williamson that fast."

With that said, Frida storms out of the room, and when I go after her, I just ask:

"What's wrong with you now?"

Turning around and sending me murderous looks, Frida just declares:

"Well, from what I've gathered from our last conversation, and considering Leah probably is the woman you were with when my husband and I came across from you, I guess you are romantically involved with her, which-"

"Uh, I'm sorry: what?"

"Yeah, visibly blondes with blue eyes are your type, so I assumed-"

Without really meaning to, I burst into laughter, which makes Frida's face burst in incomprehension. This is not a good idea at all, Ingrid - you gotta keep your distances, this is a dangerous game...

THE VELVET KILLERSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora