(R) Streaming with QuarterJade

Start from the beginning

You finally collapse onto your bed, taking in the familiar fabric. But you're not tired at all, especially after the amount of sleep you've had over the past day.

Wow. What a crazy trip. From clubbing... to Aria... to Rae... to Lily... With the ridiculous life I'm in right now, I'd say I'm definitely living out someone's fantasy. Maybe even my own...

You head down the stairs, the voices of your housemates discussing the trip growing louder as you approach them.

"Oh, I can't wait to upload this vlog! It's gonna be sooo cooool!" Imane's cheery voice exclaims.

"Yeah, mine too. It's definitely gonna be better than yours, Lily," Toast remarks with complete confidence.

"Toast, you're not even gonna upload your- "

"YES I WILL, I'll probably upload it before you do!"

Damn. I didn't even think about vlogging. Whoops.

Just as you join your friends in their lively discussion, your attention shifts as you feel a familiar buzz in your pocket.

Oh, it's from Jodi. Huh, I barely even remember exchanging numbers with her.

Jodi: Hey, I know we just got back from the trip but my chat has been asking me to stream with you for such a looong time

Wanna come over? Starting stream in 10

No pressure :)

Me: Wow, your chat has good taste

Expect me there ASAP

You go back upstairs to throw on some better-looking clothes.

Wow, we just got back and she's already streaming? That's commitment.

You drive a few miles to Jodi's place, where she lived with Jamie and Sydney.

Hopefully, they're all home. It'll be nice to meet them for the first time.

You walk up the front steps to the porch, taken aback by the size of the house.

You ring the doorbell and immediately hear footsteps scurrying in your direction. After a second, the door opens.

"Hey, J- Oh, hi, Sydney," you remark, quickly correcting yourself.

"She's upstairs," she curtly replies before running up the stairs two at a time, her long hair flowing out behind her, leaving you to step inside and close the door on your own.

You take off your shoes and cross over to see Jamie sitting in the kitchen, wearing a white tank dress and licking a scoop of ice cream.

"They're in a game right now," she says between licks, not bothering to introduce herself. You nod.

"Nice to meet you..." You say, wondering if this truly even counted as a meeting.

"Mmhmm," she halfheartedly responds, her attention still focused on the ice cream.

You head upstairs, peeking your head into a few rooms.

You hear Jodi's voice at the end of the hallway, and you make your way there.

"HA! I told you I had him!" Her voice sounds muffled in the hallway.

You gently knock, waiting for her response.

You knock again, more forcefully.

You open the door a crack, to see Jodi, headphones on, staring intently into her monitor.

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