I blink. "What do you mean?"

He looks around, seeing whether someone is around us or not, then sighs. "Whenever there's an event, it's always between the houses. It doesn't always matter whether you're in first year or second year. If you plan it appropriately, then you can face off a senior in an official school competition if you want. There's no rule that goes against it."

I stop walking and so does he as he stares at me with a blank expression. "Why are you telling me this?"

He rolls his eyes. "Because you're the only person around me I see who's dumb enough to strike up a rivalry with a senior. A third year Melpomene student and the council president. You're obviously going to lose but this is just to tell you that don't go around doing risky things when you have safer options that won't get you expelled."

"You think I'm going to be expelled?"

"I don't know," he shrugs. The two of us start to walk. "You're like the only person I talk to around here and if you get suspended or expelled, then I'll be a loner again."

I raise my eyebrows. "I remember you saying that I'm a loner around here. Do you consider me a friend?"

He pretends to think about it for a while before muttering, "I don't know. You just seem like the kind who attracts a lot of trouble. At first glance, you don't seem like a person who's scored the highest marks in the history of this academy. You seem reckless and like you don't care about what's happening. You seem like you don't think without acting. I don't know why you didn't take up the representative role or whatever and both you and I know that I can't lead people crap is pure bullshit."

I shrug because I don't know how to respond. "What are you implying, Elliot?"

"Don't judge me for being so weird, okay? It's just, I've been sitting next to you for over a whole week and you don't seem cooperative with the class at all. Hayette, Julian, Jade, Maia and others may take it as if you're self centered and just because you're on the top doesn't mean you won't cooperate but I think you're not like that. And while all your moves seem reckless and without any thought, to me, they seem calculated."

He finally stops and I'm genuinely stunned by what he said. I knew he was smart strategically but his observation skills are exceptional too. When he sees my face after I hear him out, he lets out a heavy breath.

"I'm sorry. I probably seem like a creep right now. I shouldn't have said that."

"It's fine." My voice is as assuring as it can be. "This still doesn't answer my question, though."

"And here I thought that you were smart," he says sarcastically before clearing his throat. "I don't know. It seemed like something you'd consider. I can't tell you what to do and how to do whatever it is you're trying to do but I do know that your deal with Asher is dangerous as hell. The least I can do is present you some reasonable options before you miscalculate something and he gets you out of this school."

I shake my head, a small smile tugging at my lips. "You really are confident with what you say, aren't you? What if you're wrong and everything around here doesn't matter to me at all?"

"Well, if I'm wrong," he begins, "Whatever I told you will still be of use to you somehow."

I scoff. We finally reach the Calliope changing rooms where we have to part ways. He looks at me one last time and nods as an acknowledgement.

"See you in a while," he says and turns around, walking away. I do the same and walk inside the girls' changing room. The moment I enter, I'm overcome by the urge to walk out because of the amount of chatter and laughter around her. I look around, not knowing what to do because I'm late. Just then I feel someone poke my ribs, catching me off guard. I jump but regain my composure soon enough.

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