ARC 2: Chapter 25 (The Tiger's Eyes and the Stalking Shark)

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Third P.O.V

As Dalton arrives at the main lobby, he searches for the certain person that he wishes not to deal with throughout the afternoon. His friends and guards cautiously kept Dalton within their area in case any trouble came.

"Why hello there friend," A soft purring voice then suddenly comes from the left of their direction, revealing a tiger alongside with a few guards surrounding him, sitting in the seats of the main lobby.

Dalton seems to have recognized who it was and points directly at him with a furious look, "YOU!"

Soft chuckling can be heard from the man that Dalton despises. The atmosphere in the lobby was tense and the bypassers quickly scurried off to their offices and workplaces. "Well, well, well, if it isn't no other than Dalton Irons, a head of the Ironcaster Company himself," The tiger calmly looks at Dalton directly in the eyes with a smug face.

"YOU! Out of all the people! Why are you here?!?" Dalton loudly demands at the tiger.

The tiger arrogantly but calmly and politely replies back to Dalton, "Why of course, I just came here for a small, simple visit."

Dalton snaps back, "Shut it pal! You say that you came here for a simple visit?!? More likely you came here just to demand something more or less about our deal, Sebastian!"

The tiger, who was known as Sebastian, kept the same calm smile on his face, "If I were you, Mr. Irons, I wouldn't be lashing out with that kind of attitude to your most important client."

"Oh shut it you vermanic tiger, you just hate to get lectured and yelled at, don't you?" Dalton snaps back.

Sebastian Kaiden answers back, "How about we get to the point here, my friend. Honestly, I just came all the way here just to talk to you instead of talking about renewing our contract or something like that."

"Like what?!"

"Like something interesting that happened throughout the past few days. Could be anything that might revolve around the world, the nation, or even... Could revolve around you, Dalton."

The canine curled and clenched his fingers into a fist. He held back the urge to grab the large feline and toss him out the building. "What do you mean something revolving around me?"

Sebastian answered slyly like a devil, "I said, it could be anything. It could be your newfound weakness, your newfound responsibility, or your newfound problems."

Dalton replies back, "Like I care about whatever is happening-."

"Oh, maybe I should use the human as an example for your newfound weakness, aye?"

Dalton freezes upon hearing the word, human. Realizing how Sebastian meant it seriously even with a deceiving look on his face, he protectively and sensitively snarls back at Sebastian, "Sebastian, I have no idea what you're talking about, but you better be careful of what you're asking for." The tiger only raised his eyebrows with interest.

"Oh really? I didn't say that I want to see him, I just wanna talk about him, that's all. Besides, what's the harm when I want to know about that human?" Sebastian shrugs.

Dalton growls, "The only harm that would come is when you learn shit about him!"

The tiger roars with laughter upon hearing Dalton's exclamation. It took a few seconds for him to choke down the laughter, but it still didn't wipe off the smug on his face. "That's what you think, besides, I don't think I have any plans on hurting him any time soon."

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