A Close Call

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A couple days have past and Logan is still at the hospital. "Mom." Said Logan softly. "Peter, Wake Up! He's awake!"said Katarina. Peter woke up and saw that Logan was awake. "Nurse! Yield Peter. The Nurse and Doctor rushed and saw that Logan was awake. They couldn't believe it. They thought he wasn't going to make it. The doctor turned to Peter and said "It's a miracle! I'll let you two have some time with y'all's son." The doctor and nurse left the room. Peter and Katarina walked to Logan's bed and gave him a hug with tears of joy rolling down their faces. In the background the news was on. "Breaking News! Spider-Man and IronHeart came out of their retirement and saved the life of Logan Parker the son of Peter and Katarina Parker. We have gotten word that he is alive." Said News reporter. "Let's go home." Said Peter to Katarina and Logan. They made it home. When Logan got home he  went to his room to rest. Hours have passed. A knock at the door. It's Harry and Jett. "How is he?" Asked Jett. "He's fine. Just resting." Peter replied.                           "Something isn't right." Said Jett. "What are you talking about?" Asked Katarina. "The explosion and Woodson Tech." Said Harry. "We went to Woodson after the explosion. To talk to the principal there to see if we can see the security cameras at the school." Said Jett. "Why?" Asked Katarina. "Well I don't think that was a lab explosion." Replied Jett. "What do you mean?" Asked Peter. "If it was a lab explosion it would just be the lab that caught on fire." Replied Jett. "The explosion that happened at Woodson caused the lab and two classrooms above the lab to explode" Added Harry. "I see." Said Peter. "What did you see on the cameras?" Asked Katarina. "We haven't looked at the footage yet. I downloaded the footage in my suit so y'all could see as well." Replied Jett. Jett pulled up the footage from a hologram from his suit ready to play. "I see you upgraded the suit." Said Peter. "I sure did. You like it?" Asked Jett. "Yeah." Replied Peter. "Can we focus?" Asked Katarina. Jett then played the footage. "This is from the lab." Said Jett. "What are they doing?" Asked Katarina. "I believe they are taking the venom out of the spiders." Replied Jett. They all looked closer at the footage. "Are the spiders glowing?" Asked Harry. "I think so." Replied Jett. "That's a lot of spiders." Said Katarina. After Katarina said that the explosion hit. "The blast came from outside the lab, not inside." Said Jett. "Do you have footage from outside of the lab?" Asked Peter. Jett showed the footage from outside the lab. "I knew it!" Said Peter. "Knew what?" Asked Katarina. "Shocker caused the explosion." Replied Peter. "After the explosion hit, Shocker ran off." Said Jett. Jett then went back to the footage inside the lab. "The explosion killed Curt Connors and knocked all the spiders onto Logan and the debris falling onto them." Said Harry. "Do you think Logan was bitten by a spider?" Asked Jett. "I did see two bite marks on his neck and hand." Said Katarina. "No." Said Peter with a disbelieving look on his face. "Mom,Dad!!" Yield Logan. Logan came into the room with stuff stuck to his hands. "What's going on?" Asked Logan. "We think you have spider powers, son." Replied Peter.

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