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Aya looked back over to him as her brows furrowed. "You say that like I have a choice. Stop calling me a kid. I'm far from that." She bit out as she moved to slide off of the sink to get back to her feet.

Keishin moved to give her space though he blocked the doorway. "Don't give me that crap. We all have a choice no matter what we're going through. You saying that proves that you're still just a kid and I know you are. You're the same Aya Hisoei, a second year high schooler I read about in the sport magazines." He argued back as he pointed at her only for Aya to slap his hand away.

"You don't know shit!!" She exclaimed, not surprised that he put two and two together. She honestly hated those magazines because, sure they talk about her spring to stardom and highlights but what magazines don't write about is the truth of her life outside of it. He had no idea what her life was like, what she's had to endure. The life she had, she wished there was a way to escape it but that hope was proven wrong countless of times. No, she was stuck and the only way out of it was the one way she didn't want to think about though it had crossed her mind more times than she could count. "I wish I had choices! I wish it were that easy! I didn't ask for this life! I didn't ask for what I was given! I'm stuck in a god damn cage that I can't escape no matter what I do! Stop acting like you know better than I. Let me pass." She was seething. Who the fuck was this guy to talk to her like this! He really didn't know anything!

"Then help me to understand why. Explain this to me, why do you feel like you're in a cage? It's not like they own you-"

"They do own me."

"Bullshit. No human can own your life. It's yours."

"Tell that to the ass that bought me!"

"Bought you?" He eyed her as Aya let out a frustrated groan, grabbing her hair and walking back towards the tub.

Why was this guy so infuriating? It was hard for her to talk about this, about the hell that was her life but he wasn't giving her any choice. It was better if no one knew because there was so much she couldn't divulge about Yakuza activities. It was a strict code that if broken had serious consequences. She had to be careful about what she said, so finding how or what to say gave her a damn headache. She was quiet for a good moment as she tried to put her thoughts together.
"I was taken from an orphanage...The man who took me convinced them that I would be put in a good home because his wife couldn't bare a child. What I soon learned after that was how much of a lie that really was." She sighed and bit her lip before sitting on the toilet and burying her face in her hands. "The man's name is Ishii Noboru, head of the Noboru branch and leader of the entire Yakuza organization. The Japanese mafia if you don't know. They have their hand in every form of government in this entire country. The moment I was brought to their home, I was branded," she pointed to the tattoo as she looked back up at him, tears stinging her eyes. "And forced into a life of servitude. The things I've been ordered and forced to do I cannot speak about." She went quiet for a moment to try and collect herself. "Everything I've seen...done...the things they've..." She had to swallow to find her words. "..done that I've had to endure. I'm not a kid so please stop." She paused a moment to collect herself before continuing, "I escaped. Been living on the streets trying to keep to myself and get by. 'Nough of an explanation for you?" She gave him an annoyed, yet pained, look as a tear slipped down her cheek.

Keishin was quiet, not really knowing what to say. So he was partially right that she was part of some gang though he was not expecting her to say she was from the Japanese mafia. This was some heavy shit she was telling him and now he was feeling like an ass for demanding this information out of her. What was he supposed to say to that? Running his hand through his hair, he decided to speak up. "Do you need a place to stay?" He suddenly asked, as Aya looked up at him at a loss for words. He wasn't about to let her back out if she had nowhere to go, especially in the condition she was in. If her life was this dangerous, this alone gave him this overwhelming urge to help her, give her a safe place to stay the hell away from them. Protect her.

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