C1 page 7: First day of school

Start from the beginning

Frost looked at the direction the teacher was pointing so an empty desk near the back of the class and what he net to her was a girl who appeared to isolated from the class.

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Ms. Hydria: Ms. Rose may you please put away your hat 

???: yes Ms. Hydria

As Frost walked to the desk that was next to the girl she removed her hat and shown her face.

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Frost smiled and sat down at his desk ready to start the day.

Frost: Nice to meet you i'm Frost may i ask what's yours

???: I know, my name is Magenta Purplerose cutie~

Frost: *blushes* C-Cutie!?

Magenta: yeah you are pretty cute

Hearing those words made Frost's face to red and steam come out of his ears from blushing but he stayed strong and beard with it and continue on with the start of class.


it was lunch time and Frost was heading to the roof with the lunch he made, when he arrived he say Magenta was there sitting alone eating an apple but she seemed a bit down, feeling worried about her Frost went to her to see if she was ok. 

Frost: Hey Magenta are you alright?

Magenta: ......Yeah

Frost: *sits next to her* What's wrong? I can tell something is bothering you

Magenta: its...nothing i'm fine really

Frost: pls tell me and here I made plenty so we can eat together because  i'm sure that apple won't be much of a meal.

Magenta: ok

As they ate Magenta felt happy and surprised that he offered to share his food with her and is worried and caring about her, soon enough she began to feel better and they began talking and what Frost heard shocked and angered him, Magenta told Frost on how there is a girl bullying that she skipped grabbing lunch and only had that apple to eat.

Frost: what did she say to you?

Magenta: she called me a fat ugly pig freak that likes creepy stuff and nobody will love me...... and I feel like she's right.

Frost: No she is not Magenta I know we just meet but i can tell you are an amazing, caring, sweet, kind, strong, creative, and beautiful person who is great inside and out because your not afraid to be yourself.

Magenta: *blushes* D-Do you really mean that Frost!?

Frost: Of course I do Magenta i wouldn't have said it if it wasn't don't listen to what that bully says to you or about you i got your back i promise.

Hearing those words touched Magenta's heart and made her feel more happy, better, and confident in herself and made her smile as tears of joy formed and she tackled him into a hug thanking him.

"Time Skip"

The school day was over and Frost was heading to his dorm room feeling really happy on how great his first day of school went, when he arrived and entered he was surprise to see someone else was in there and who it was.

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Magenta: welcome back Cutie

Nathan: Magenta your my Roommate?!

Magenta: yep cutie

Nathan *blushes* why do you keep calling me that and why are you barefoot?

Magenta: because it's cute when you blush and because my feet hurt being in those shoes all day do you like them cutie~?

Frost: *blushes madly and covers her face and runs to his room*

Magenta: *giggles* I'll take that as a yes

As Frost entered his room Magenta continued to read but blushed when remembering everything Frost said to her and had a thought in her mind

/Am I in love with Frost?\ 

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