C1 Page 15: EOTSC Part 2

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Frost was walking in the hallways on hi way to gym class when he heard someone called him, As he turned around he saw a blonde girl you looked familiar.

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???: Hey there Cutie

Frost: Do i know you?

???: Amber from the famous Shadow clan Loser

Frost: Loser?

Amber: Yeah because your nothing but a pathetic bronze rank like that dumb Magenta girl

Frost: I don't care what you say to me but let me tell you this NEVER.....INSULT.....MY.....GIRLFRIEND!!!

Amber: Or what why not just dump her and be mine I want to see her suffer and for my status to rise.

Hearing that really ticked off Frost so he took a deep breath and in a flash punched her in the face and went to gym leaving a shocked amber on the floor.


It was night and Magenta was on the rooftop in her night suit of a building waiting for Frost to arrived, After a few more seconds of waiting Frost showed up in and ninja suit and with some supplies.

Frost: Sorry to keep you waiting did I miss anything?

Magenta: No not really btw what's in the bag?

Frost: Food, drinks, cameras, and recorders.

Magenta: Cool btw what were you doing before you got here?

Frost: My uncle had a mission for me apparently a man needed some evidence of his wife cheating on him and the same for another woman, and so I investigated and discovered that the Woman's husband was cheating on her with the mans wife.

Magenta: Wow

Frost: Yep I turned in the evidence and now the man and woman who got cheated on are now dating each-other.

Magenta: cool

Frost: I got reported that we gotten some evidence from fellow ninjas from my clan and they got their land and power removed by the Void Shogun. 

Magenta: awesome now all we need is to  get the final evidence on Amber to fully complete our plan of ending her and her clan.

Right on que they spotted Amber heading to an alleyway in her outfit she wore in the photo Magenta showed Frost and they spotted a family on their knees, seeing this they Take pictures and recorded the situtation.

Amber: all right losers hand over the money you owe me and my clan

Husband: Please we can't keep doing this

Wife: if you keep doing this we won't be able to pay our bills and feed our kids

Amber: I don't give a care about them you all can rot in the sewers for all i care i'm part of the Shadow clan and i can do what i please and you can't stop us

Son: You are horrible you have no honor

Daughter: Yeah my brother's right your a meanie


As Amber was about to attack Magenta jumped and attacked amber as Frost escorted the family to safety.

Amber: how Dare you attack me?

Magenta: you were gonna hurt innocent people in honor of the STYX clan I will stop you

Amber: As if you can we're unstoppable

Magenta: No your not we've been gaining evidence and we got the final piece we need you and your clan are done for.

Amber: *shocked* what!? 

Magenta: you have nowhere to run your gonna spend your life behind bars

Amber: *growls* I'll kill you

As Amber charged in they fought but Magenta had the advantage and predicted all of ambers moves and overpowered her easily countering all of her attacks breaking her arm and injuring her legs.

Amber: No this is not meant to happen I'm suppose to have everything

Magenta: You need a reality check that is not how life works

Amber: well at least I got a boyfriend and his name is blitzer you single loser you got nobody

Magenta: Your wrong I got someone better and it's frost from the elemental Dragon clan

Amber: *shocked* Impossible!!!

Frost: No she's right Amber

Amber: I knew I should have tried to steal you I could have had more power

Frost: No way after what you tried to do to my clan long ago when I was a kid and what you've done to innocent people.

Magenta: This is for Trying to steal my boyfriend, for my clan, and for all of your crimes

And in flash Magenta sliced off Amber's head ending her and finally completing her goal.

Magenta: Thanks for helping me love

Frost: No problem Sweetie and good news the Void shogun executed all the members of Amber's clan with the help of a formed resistance from the shadow kingdom.

Magenta: Sweet btw you know what tomorrow is?

Frost: No what's tomorrow?

Magenta: It's spring break and the day I give you a tour of my clan

Frost: *surprised: Really?!

Magenta: yep I can't wait to show you for now let's go to our dorm and rest

Frost: agreed

Magenta: Btw is that family safe?

Frost: Yep and now they have nothing to fear

Magenta: Good to hear

And so Frost and Magenta kissed and walked back to their dorm holding hands getting ready for the next day.

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