Back again

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-time skip-
The adults were in the mans nest again enjoying a nice evening.Xavier ended up winning big brother,him and Mika split up on finale night.Miles and Hannah were married and were cuddling on the couch.Bose and Kyland were on a short break because they kept on fighting on Who's the cutest.Chapa and Derek X were also married and moved in together.the adults never thought Ray would retire but he was getting to old to be in charge so he put Mika in charge,Chapa as the co leader,Bose as the crime alert taker,and Miles as the uber.
Mika:cheers to the most hectic 3 months of all
Chapa:i missed you guys so much from jury
Derek X:same
Hannah:Can't believe you guys didn't win best duo
Chapa:meh idk but tiffany and Claire were the best duo
Bose:i could see big D winning best houseguest
Miles:he did
Kyland:even though a literal villain possessed you guys i had fun beating him up
Hannah:yea now i can say i beat up a villain
Derek X:don't bring me back to those dark dark times but it was fun to beat Twitler and Drex up
Chapa:you know what i think its time for me to say this
Derek X:ooh yea say it
Chapa:me and Baby D thought that it would be fun for you guys to move in with us
Derek X:we have enough bedrooms for you guys
Chapa:but only if you guys are up for it
Miles:i mean why not
Mika:why would we say no
Hannah:i'm down
Bose:i would love to
Chapa:great text us when you are ready
Mika:we will
Mika:why would he need you?
Chapa:don't know I'M COMING
Kyland:that was like louder then Mika dude
-Schwoz's science lab-
Chapa:you said you need me
Schwoz:yas you see Bose told me you lost your powers so i thought i would help you
Chapa:help me how?
Schwoz:so i rebuilt the omega weapon and
Schwoz:let me talk
Chapa:go on
Schwoz:well i thought that if the omega weapon gave you your powers the first time then why can't it give you your powers back
Chapa:thats actually pretty smart-ow what was that?
Schwoz:a needle
Chapa:why did you just poke a needle through my skin
Schwoz:well i took the energy from the weapon and mixed it with a few chemicals and then boom now its inside you
Chapa:well OW
Schwoz:sorry my bad
Chapa:can i go now
Schwoz:yep i'll tell you the results tomorrow
Chapa:ok bye
She goes out to the main room and everyone was asking her questions about what just happened.
Mika:what was that about?
Bose:what did he ask you?
Hannah:what did he say?
Kyland:yea tell us
Derek X:guys stop your freaking her out
Bose:sorry you ok?
Chapa:yes thanks for asking
Bose:no problem
Kyland:i'm hungry
Hannah:yea me too
Bose:we could go to hip hop puree
Mika:or theres nacho ball
Derek X:puree sounds good
Chapa:puree it is then
Everyone gets up and walks out the door.They start walking to hip hop puree talking about their childhoods
Bose:what about you Chapa
Chapa:my childhood wasn't the brightest but wasn't the worst
Miles:what happened
Chapa:when i was 2 my dad was fighting with my mom and he was abusing her
Voices:cry your weak enough
Chapa:i'm not weak
Hannah:what? We know your not weak
Voices:you don't have your powers now so you can't zap me out of your brain
Bose:guys i think she's have another schizophrenic attack(thats not the actual term i just call it that)
Derek X:princess you ok?
Chapa:yea I'm okay
Miles:we're here
They walk in,order,and sit down.Everyone is talking and laughing,having a good time.They get their puree and keep talking.After they were done with their food they go back to the mans nest and play games all day.

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