What did you do to her

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Derek X:your going to be ok
He said as he was shaking the girl with all of his power.The others had finished fighting and ran over to him
Derek X:the lever won't budge i already tried
He said as Mika stepped away from the lever
Awol:Cap what did you do last time to get Henry out of his machine
Cap man:i just ripped the chains
Brainstorm:well can you do that again
Cap man:i'll try
He tried but failed to do so as the chains shocked him
Cap man:ow i'm ok
Shoutout:let me try screaming them off
She tried that but also failed as it repelled her backwards,using her own scream against her.
Awol:wait Brainstorm can you try to use your telekinesis to pull the lever
Awol said while helping his sister off the ground
Brainstorm:i can try
The boy turns towards the lever and starts slightly moving the lever
Shoutout:he's doing it he's moving the lever
Awol:shout him on
Group:Go brainstorm you got this
Soon enough he turned off the machine.Everyone was so happy so they help get Chapa unchained.Derek X held the girl in his arms
Twitler:NO my precious machine
Shoutout:you hurt our friend then you get the scream
She super screams him into the back wall
Awol:i hope that hurt
Hannah:woah too far
Awol:ok sorry
Drex sneaks up behind Derek X and takes off the wristband.He sneaks back over to Rick Twitler and puts it in his pocket.
Cap man:alright kids me and Brainstorm will see you guys soon we're gonna take those two to jail
Shoutout:wait whats this
She takes the wristband out of Drex's pocket with a confused face.She then realized what this is an turns to Chapa she quickly looks at both of her wrists and realizes that the wristband she was wearing was missing.
Shoutout:quick Awol teleport Chapa,Cap,and Brainstorm
Awol:why Chapa
Shoutout:you remember thee wristband she was wearing
Awol:well yea
Shoutout:the one that keeps her alive
Awol:course i do
Shoutout:well this one was the one that she was wearing Drex must've took it off
Derek X:WHAT!
Derek X lifts up both of her wrists and sees no wristband.He stands up with pure Anger and agony in his eyes.
Drex:i did
Twitler:good work
Drex:dead like her
Shoutout:Julie we're gonna have to take Chapa to the hospital so we can you know revive her
Julie:thats fine but will she be back
Awol:ok be right back
He teleports the four of them to the mans nest and teleports back
Awol:where are Drex and Rick Twitler
Shoutout:they must've escaped
Derek X:Captain man will find them though
-at the mans nest-
Ray and Bose rush in yelling Schwoz's name
Schwoz:yes what do you need
Bose:help badly
Schwoz:well what happened to her
Ray:Drex happened
Schwoz:well set her down in the infirmary and i'll get ready
The two men rush into the infirmary and Bose sets her down on the freshly cloths infirmary bed.
Schwoz:so what happened to her
Ray:long story short Drex killed her and i'll tell you the rest when Bose isn't in the room
Bose:so can you help her
Schwoz:course i can its just gonna take a long time
Schwoz tells them to leave the room and both of the boys wait on the mans nest couch.
Bose:i hope she's ok
Ray:me too son
Bose:i just feel bad for her she's been through so much and then Derek X i can't imagine how much pain he's in
Ray:I know son but don't worry Schwoz is in there with her right now
Ray walks over to him and puts his hand on his shoulder
Ray:she's in good hands kid she's strong
Bose:thanks Ray
Ray:now wipe those tears out of your eyes your gonna make me cry
-one week later
Tiffany:Baby D want anything
Derek X:nah i'm fine
Hannah:Derek you haven't been eating you need to eat something
Derek X:i'm not hungry
Kyland:its been a week though and you've been up hours on end and your not eating
Tiffany:is it because Chapa hasn't came back yet
Derek X slowly nodded in response,not knowing what to say.
Mika:Miles can you teleport and check on her
-at mans nest-
Miles:hey guys
Bose:hey Miles
Miles:hows Chaps
Ray:Idk yet but here comes schwoz
Schwoz:so she did have a minor issue with her heart but she's gonna be ok
Bose:omg thank you
Schwoz:No problem
Miles:is she ok to come back?
Schwoz:yea let me go get her
Schwoz goes back into the infirmary and wakes up Chapa from her nap.She couldn't believe that she was still alive after that.The two of them go back into the main room.Bose jumps up and starts hugging her,not letting her go
Bose:oh sorry
Chapa:its ok
Miles:can i get a hug
Chapa:sure Mil
They hug for a quick second then she asks a question
Chapa:so Schwoz can i finally go back to the big brother house
Schwoz:i suppose you can just don't get hurt anymore
Chapa:No promises
She walks over to Miles waiting for him to teleport them back
Chapa:Adios Losers see you soon
Schwoz:see you soon
They teleport right into the kitchen where everyone was.Everyone was shocked to see Chapa alive after the accident.Everyone pulls into a group hug excited to see their fellow houseguest back in the house after a while
Derek X:what is it now
Derek X walks into the kitchen holding his cup but a little bit after his cup is now on the floor with his drink everywhere.His face was the most shocked face everyone has ever seen.
Chapa:hey muffin
He runs over,grabs her waist,and kisses her.At first the girl is shocked but after she embraced the kiss.
Derek X:i've missed you so much
Chapa:i missed you to
Kyland:yay now he can start eating and sleeping again
Chapa:Aw Muffin
Derek X:i was worried about you
Chapa:i know you were but you need food and sleep to stay alive
Derek X:i wasn't gonna do that till i knew you were ok
Chapa:but you have bags under your eyes and your skinny as f!ck
Derek X:i know
Chapa:here go sit on the couch and take a nap i'll fix you something to eat
Derek X:No you just got here i wanna spend time with you
Chapa:Go to bed
Derek X:No
Chapa:Omg come on over here
Chapa says while she's literally dragging him over to the couch and lays him down
Chapa:here i'll even give you my blanket
Derek X:fine
Chapa:Now go to sleep
She kisses his forehead and walks to the kitchen
Mika:Look at you being affectionate
Chapa:yea yea everyone wants me to be nicer
Miles:you threatened Xavier by saying that you were gonna zap him to death
Chapa:shut up
She held up her hand like she was gonna zap him but nothing emits from her hands.She tries again but nothing happens
Miles:what are you doing
Chapa:trying to zap..you
Miles:well its not working
Chapa:Well i know that
Mika:well Twitler did take your power so
Chapa:Fine i'll get you later
Miles:Not if i get you first
Chapa:is that a challenge
Miles:i think it is
Chapa:what you say
Miles:pull up
Mika:woah woah woah stop fighting but i thought we got your powers back so why can't you use them
Chapa:i don't know

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