Fighting for his life

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No ones pov:
Julie:Houseguests please enter the backyard for the veto competition
Derek X:time to get this over with
-after the comp-
Julie: congratulations Chapa you have won the golden power of veto make your decision on if you want to use it or not
Chapa:i will not use it
Julie:ok time for voting
-after voting-
Julie:with a vote of 7:1 Claire you have been evicted from the big brother house
Tiffany starts crying of how sad it is for her best friend to leave the house that they made memories in.
Claire:ok well i love you all i will give you hugs on finale night
Tiffany:i love you
Group:we love you Claire
They start clapping for Claire and keep shouting as she's walking through the door
Julie:the next hoh will begin in a few minutes please talk amongst each other to pass time
Chapa:finally i can get out of this tutu
Derek X:but you looked cute in it
Chapa:don't call me cute
Derek X:but its true
They were sitting in the living room just talking when the cookout grabs Chapa's arm and walks off with her
Chapa:hey get your grubby hands off of me
Mika:sorry but we need to talk
Chapa:about what
Big D:look Derek X is going home anyway so your lucky he's made it this far
Chapa:Well what if he wins the Hoh comp
Mika:trust me he won't
Xavier:we'll make sure of it
Chapa:you guys are sick people i would rather quit this alliance then lose him
Mika:we know that just let us explain
Chapa:theres nothing to explain obviously you guys want him gone
Azah:Chapa its not like that
Tiffany:nobody here wants him gone but this has to be done to get you and the rest of us to the end
Chapa:fine do what you want just know that i have no part in this
Mika:Chapa CHAPA
Mika:don't leave we're not done talking
Chapa:whats there to talk about I'm over here fighting for mine and his life in this game but none of you can appreciate that so I'm leaving
Chapa leaves with Miles following her
Miles:Chapa wait
Chapa:what do you lecture me about how they want Baby D gone
Miles:No not at all i just wanted to see if you were ok
Chapa:honestly I'm not
Miles:whats on your mind
Chapa:No offense but Mika is being selfish..All of them are
Miles:why do you say that
Chapa:None of them have had a significant other go home and to hear
Chapa:that they want my significant other to go to jury
Miles:its ok don't cry just breathe
She takes a second then starts again
Chapa:Mika even said that she doesn't want to send him home because she's never seen me this happy but here she is telling me that he's going home
Miles:look she probably is just jealous that you have been winning more comps then her but don't worry i'll help you keep Baby D after all he is our teammate
Chapa:yea thanks Mil
Miles:No prob Chap anyway ima go before my sister finds me helping you bye
Miles walks out and Derek X walks in
Derek X:hey princess
Chapa:oh hi
Derek X:whats wrong
Chapa:they want you gone
Derek X:are you fu!king serious after all that i've done
Chapa:i know but me and Miles are gonna make sure that you stay
Derek X:thanks princess
Chapa:No problem muffin
They quickly kiss and hug
Julie:Houseguests time for the second hoh competition of the night please head to the backyard
Chapa:we are gonna be so tired after this
Derek X:yea
They reach the backyard and find kingdom of kurl a lot set up
Alyssa:love these uniforms
Chapa:Hate it
Chapa:its too colorful
Mika:Hello houseguests and welcome to the kingdom of kurl-a lot please approach the block burner
-after the competition-
Mika:congratulations Miles you have won the hoh competition
Miles:thanks sis
Mika:no problem
While they were talking Chapa and Baby D were trying to contain their excitement
Julie:ok houseguests wait inside the house until the veto competition is ready
The two excited sweaty adults calm down and walk in the house,immediately going into the storage room with Miles following.
Mika:guys keep it down we can hear you from the bathroom with the showers running
Miles:sorry sis
Mika leaves and they go back to dancing.Derek X picks up chapa and starts jumping up and down with her.
Derek X:I'm so happy right i could literally kiss you
Right after he said that there was this comforting silence.Derek X puts Chapa down and they are now in this awkward silence.Miles starts chanting
Miles:kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
The two adults start leaning in and started to form a soft,gentle kiss.Miles was still chanting but not that long after he stopped because they stopped
Chapa:now its you and Hannah's turn
Miles:we're just friends
Derek X:oh really what about that time when you guys were on the hammock cuddling
Chapa:or that time when you were literally snoodling on the kitchen counter while i was making breakfast
Derek X:or that time when you guys were holding hands for the whole entire day
Miles:Shut up
Chapa:fine but its your fault that your still single
Miles:I'm waiting for the one
Derek X:yea you already met her
Chapa:will you please tell him that you and him aren't just friends
Hannah:we aren't we literally started dating 2 weeks ago
Derek X:HA we were right
Chapa:now your going kiss
Hannah:no we are not
Both:kiss kiss kiss kiss
They both kiss quickly and leave the room a blushing mess because they are embarrassed
Chapa:their being dramatic
Derek X:yea
Derek X:what you wanna do
Chapa:it is raining out
Derek X:you thinking what i'm thinking
-time skip to outside-
The two adults were underneath the barrier to keep them from getting soaked just watching the rain fall
Derek X:rain is much more peaceful at night
They lean on each others shoulder in this wonderful night trying to forget that its triple eviction and he could still go home the next eviction.

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