~end of flashback~

i smile down at the stuffed animal as i hold it tightly in my arms. "she's going to love it. im sure if it." i say as i smile up at makio. she smiles at me as we go up to the cashier and pay for it.

we walk around the town a bit more and eventually stop in a park to relax as we wait for the mice. a couple of minutes pass as we sit in a comfortable silence before i speak up. "do you think she'll like me back?" i say out of nowhere. "what are you talking about!? of course she will! and if she doesn't then she is absolutely crazy! you are the cutest thing ever! you're kind, you're sweat, you're caring, you're smart, you have an amazing personality and you're the most beautiful person i've ever seen! even more beautiful than tengen with his hair in a messy low bun and sweating." she says winking. i smile at her and giggle. "listen. you have nothing to worry about. im sure if it!" she says confidently. "ok! thank you makio-san! i really needed the pep talk." i say shyly with a light smile.

after about an hour of talking, we finally see the mice. "it's about time." i say with a heavy sigh. "i thought you guys forgot about us!" makio says as she picks the mice up. "to the sound estate!" she says leading the way.

after a few minutes of walking, we finally make it to the estate where everyone is. we hide behind the estate and send the mice to alert everyone to hide since it was supposed to be a 'surprise party' for makio.

once we're sure everyone is hiding, we walk to the party site where everyone pops up 'surprising' us.

makio giggles as she thanks everyone and the party starts. after a few hours of talking and eating, it's finally time.

i stealthy move away from the group conversation i was having with tanjiro, zenitsu, kanao, aoi, inosuke and genya and go over to where uzui, all three of his wives, kyojuro, ubuyashiki-sama, and his wife amane were all talking.

"hi! sorry for intruding but i think we should do it in a few minutes." i say. everyone agrees and all the wives take me to get ready in a way.

they take me away from the party and each give me their own pep talk to get me hyped up. once we return, rengoku grabs everyone's attention with his loud and fiery personality.

once everyone's attention was on us, i spoke up.

"deep breaths y/n." i think taking in a deep breath before talking.

"so as most of y'all know, today is not makio's birthday." i say with a small smile. kanao looks at me with a confused look.

i look directly at kanao and smile a bright smile. "actually, we are here because i have something to say to kanao." i say pausing a bit making sure i know exactly what i want to say.

i take another deep breath before speaking again. this time i block everyone out and focus solely on kanao. "kanao. you have brought me so much joy in these past 2 months that only mitsuri has ever been able to do. you take the time to listen and talk to me even when i go of on mini tangents and just ramble on and on about whatever is on my mind, you still listen. no matter how much time we spend together, i can never seem to grow tired of you in anyway. you've shown me new things and taught me things that i probably never would've known like how broccoli is actually a flower and how flowers didn't exist until a little over 140 million years ago!" i say with a goofy grin. "jeez im rambling again.." i say with a small scoff. " i guess what im trying to say is... i really like you. no. i love you kanao. i love everything about you... and i guess i wanted to know is if you would consider going out with me...?" i say as i look into her deep pink eyes with a desperate smile.

kanao's pov~

"and i guess i wanted to know is if you would consider going out with me...?" y/n says looking me in the eyes. i can see the tears starting to slightly fill their eyes as they look at me desperate for a positive answer.

"y/n...." i say quietly. i can see them visibly tense up. i smile an actual genuine smile. "you make me so happy. you've been able to make me feel all sorts of feeling in the short span of 2 months. i've felt unbelievable happiness and a feeling that took me so long to identify. y/n... i love you too." i say and i can see them relax as a tear falls down their cheek. "no, no, no! don't cry!" i say with a giggle as i rush up to them and wipe the tears from their cheeks. "you've made me come out of this shell where i felt like no one could ever understand me or that no one would care about anything i had to say or do because i couldn't make a simple decision. you're the first person i didn't feel like i had to use my coin around. i feel like anything i decide or say or do, you'll always support it. you make me so unbelievably happy y/n." i say with a big smile as i hug her tight.

"yes i will go out with you."

a/n~ ahhhh im so happy!! this chapter was one of my favorites to write. :D

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