chapter 15

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kanao's pov~

i woke up to the sound of crying and whimpering. confused and drowsy, i sit up to see y/n crying in their sleep. "they must be having a bad dream" i think as i try calming them without waking them. this only makes it worse.

i start mildly panicking as they start tossing and turning more. more and more tears start to fall harder and harder. then they start talking.

"k-kanao... why..?" "are they having a dream about me?" i wonder. "mitsuri... please stop... please..!" that's when my heart dropped.

i jump up and ran to mitsuri's room. i desperately tried to wake her but to no luck she doesn't wake. i look over at the other side of the bed and see it's empty. "good it seems obanai is awake." i think with a sigh of relief. i run to the kitchen and see obanai sitting with kaburamaru drinking tea.

he looks up and sees the worried expression on my face and immediately he's alarmed. "what happened? where's y/n?" he asks urgently. "follow." i say, rushing back to her room.

once we enter, obanai immediately rushes over to her and starts trying to wake her. finally her eyes fly open and she immediately sits up. me and obanai let out a sigh of relief. y/n is panting as sweat and tears roll down her face. i hug her tight as she takes a moment to process what just happened.

after a moment she realizes it's me that's hugging her and she hugs me back and holds onto me like im going to disappear. "i'll go wake mitsuri." obanai quietly says as he gets up and leaves the room. kaburamaru stays and wraps around me and y/n, liking their face.

"....please... don't leave me.... i don't want you to hate me...." she says as she starts crying again. "i will never leave you. not ever." i say as i hug her tighter letting her know i mean what i say.

a few minutes later mitsuri comes barging into the room. she immediately runs up to y/n and gives her the biggest hug ever. "im so sorry baby. are you ok? do you need water? obanai go get her some water! it's ok. im here. we're all here. i love you so so much." she says comforting y/n.

y/n visibly relaxes in her touch. she calms down and tells us about her dream. me and mitsuri are tense during the whole story. by the end mitsuri is bawling her eyes out and tears are pricking my eyes. i sit there stunned; not knowing what to do or how to react.

all i could do in that moment was hug her. after a minute or two i start apologizing and reassuring her that i would never do anything like that and that i would stay with her forever.

after a few minutes we all fell back asleep. a few hours later, me and y/n woke up alone with each other. we get ready and walk to the kitchen where obanai had left breakfast for us. we eat then walk to the sound estate together.

y/n seems to still be a bit shaken up from the dream so i stop and ask her- "hey my legs are a bit tired. could you carry me on your back the rest of the way?" she stops and with a smile and a bit of pink kissing her cheeks, she bends down signaling for me to get on. i hop on and she starts running with me on her back. i start giggling as the wind licks my face.

soon enough, we reach the place where uzui, suma, hinatsuru, mitsuri and obanai and my sister were setting up. y/n gently puts me down and waves goodbye as she heads to the estate.

before she could go too far though, i grab her hand and quickly kiss her on the cheek and ran to everyone else.

a/n~ poor y/n that dream must've sucked ):

my flower <3 (kanao x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora