chapter 10

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y/n's pov~

we walk into the training area where we see naho, sumi and kiyo stretching the boys. we giggle at them a bit as they yell in pain from the stretching. "what can we help with?" i ask aoi as i grab kanao's hand and lead her into the room.

"ok since y/n is more familiar with agility and speed, they will be in charge of tag." aoi says looking at me. "kanao," aoi says making kanao look up at her with her usual smile. "you will be doing the reflex game." kanao nods and heads over to the table with the icky medicine water.

i stretch a bit since i'll be doing a lot of running and dodging as we wait for the boys to be ready.

aoi explains the games to them and how it all works. the first one up with me in tanjiro. tanjiro already knew what to do since he had been coming longer than the other two.

we get ready and once aoi says the key word i take off. tanjiro's goal is to out run me and grab my arm or hand. this way they will get somewhat of their speed back.

we go for a couple of rounds before aoi switched us. no one is able to catch me besides the weird yellow and orange haired boy. if im being honest he creeps the shit out of me.

no one is able to beat kanao in the reflex game, so after a few hours aoi let's us go.

"where do you wanna go now?" i ask once we leave the training area. "hm.. would you like to go to the nearby town?" kanao says in her usual quiet and calm voice. "yes! let's go!" i say excitedly.

once we get to the nearby town, we go to a few shops before sitting down at a restaurant to eat. "what would you like kanao? i'll order for you." i say with a smile as she looks over the menu. "i'll have the ramune. it's my favorite." she says quietly. i give her a closed eye smile as i call a waiter over to order.

once we eat our food we decide to go to one more store before going back.

kanao's pov~

we go to a cute jewelry store and look at all the pretty necklaces and rings. one ring catches my eye in particular. y/n seems to notice and finds a matching one next to it.

(the rings ^)

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(the rings ^)

"excuse me," i hear y/n say next to me, catching both mine and the store workers attention. "can i get the set of the matching flower rings?" she says with a small smile. "y/n no you've already spent too much on me..!" i say in a voice barely above a whisper. "what are they doing!? first lunch and all the other gifts and now these? what is she doing!?" i think to myself, scolding them in my head. "it's okay i don't mind spending my money on a pretty girl. especially if the pretty girl is you." y/n says with a wink.

i stand there with a slightly shocked look on my face while the worker hands y/n the velvet case with the rigs in them. "wha-" i try to say before she pulls me out of the store by the hand.

we make it back to the estate where y/n sets all of the stuff down in my room. "come on! let's go to the garden!" she says, excitement engulfing her features. i nod with a smile, giggling at her antics. we run out to the garden. it was sundown and the sky was an array of beautiful colors.

y/n takes me up to the roof and we watch the sun set. i rest my head on her shoulder and wrap my arms around hers. i cuddle closer to her as the temperature started to drop from the lack of sunlight.

that's when it happens. they start slowly falling. one after another. the first snow of the year. y/n smiles brightly at the flakes of snow falling to the ground.

"i never want this to end. ever. this is so nice. she makes me truly happy." i think as i close my eyes and fall asleep once again in her arms.

the next morning~

y/n's pov~

i took kanao back inside where it was nice and warm and cuddled up close to her so she wouldn't get cold during the night. once we woke up i made her breakfast while i went to go talk to shinobu.

it was perfect timing as shinobu had gotten back from a mission a few hours ago.

"hey shinobu? i need to talk to you about something." i ask as i walk into her study. "what can i do for you y/n?" she says with her infamous smile. "it's about kanao..." i say which immediately caught her attention. i could tell her mind immediately went to every bad possible thing she could think of that could've happened to her. "nothing bad happened! kanao is completely okay! she's in the kitchen eating right now actually!" i say calming her down as she visibly relaxed.

kanao was her only sister left, so if anything bad happened to her.... i don't know what either of us would do with ourselves...

shinobu deeply exhaled before saying "ok good. now, what is it you wanted to talk about?" she asks as she motions for me to come sit down across from her.

"haha well funny story actually..." i say with sweat dropping. "oh my. it's not what i think it is, is it..?" she says pinching the bridge of her nose, taking her glasses off. "yeah.. uh.. i think i kinda may have an intsy little tinsy big crush on her.." i say with an awkward smile while i rub the back of my neck. " *sigh* well, i guess it's not the end of the world. i presume i could help you. BUT-" she says pointing her finger at me and death staring me. "if you even THINK about hurting her-" "you'll kill me without hesitation" i say finishing her sentence. "yes good. now, let's see... what should we do about this..." she says putting her hand on her chin.

"i want to confess but i don't know how or when to do it." i say to her. "well yeah of course we're going to confess. if she feels the same, which by the looks of it she does, she probably doesn't know what she's feeling or what to do about it." she explains so me.

we sit there and think about it for a bit. "ok i have a plan. here's what we're going to do."

a/n~ oooo i wonder how y/n is gonna confess to kanao ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) i guess we'll find out tomorrow~~ anyways im thinking of making a few oneshot books for demon slayer and hxh and other animes i've seen. have a good day/afternoon/eavning/night! <3

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