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*halloween night*

                    "I want you back by 11, and don't eat any of the candy you get until I've checked it. And for the love of god, please be careful Dylan" jay sighed and folded his arms.  Dylan put her jacket on, "I'm not even trick or treating jay, god. Besides, I'm only going with dahlia because she's taking her little sister. It's not like I'm wearing a costume" she pointed out.  Jay sighed, "just be sensible, please" he shook his head.  She nodded and waved him off as dahlia and her little sister appeared at the bottom of the driveway, "god help me" jay mumbled to himself as he closed the door once she was out of sight.  He really doesn't want her being outside given that this man is still out there, there's a chance he could strike again, but he can't keep locking her in the house...


"Uhm, how comes we didn't get money when we were younger. It's like cash has replaced candy these days..." dahlia huffed as her sister held up a five dollar bill from the big fancy house she just trick or treated from. Dylan smiled, "I got a bag of carrot sticks once" she shrugged. Dahlia screwed her face up, "that's outta pocket" she laughed. Dylan laughed as lily jogged on ahead of them, her witch costume dangling below her and her candy bag jangling by her side. Dahlia sighed, "Tegan broke up with me" she yawned. Dylan frowned, "really? You're out of her league anyways, she was an ass" she shrugged. Dahlia shook her head as a small laugh surpassed her lips, Dylan makes every situation funny.


                    Dylan was stood at the end of a pathway to someone's house as dahlia and lily walked up to the door, she was snapped out of thought when her phone buzzed.  She quickly grabbed it from her pocket and stared at the screen, really...?
Jay: *requested your location*
Dylan: "are you fr?"
Jay: "you do know I can still ping your phone if you don't accept that, right?"
Dylan: "I'm very well aware"
Jay: "then you better accept the request before I do it"
Dylan: "okay 'dad', you're like an old man geez"
Jay: "watch it. Hope you're having fun :)"
Dylan: "I am :)"

                   She laughed slightly before accepting his request, she knows he just wants her to be safe but he really is paranoid right now, and it's sort of annoying.  It's the news constantly reminding people that there's a serial kidnapper on the loose, it's making everyone crazy...


At around 9:15pm, dahlia let out the loudest groan possible, "I know it's Halloween but you don't need to turn into a zombie" Dylan put her hands into the pockets of her jacket. Lily let out a loud yet desperate chuckle, "she needs a pee... what do I do?" The red head sighed. Dylan looked around, "there's a back alley down there, let her nature pee" she chuckled. Dahlia sighed, "ew" she pulled a face. Dylan raised her eyebrows, "I don't exactly see a five star bathroom anywhere, nobody's gonna see her lia" she smiled. Dahlia sighed again, "alright, can you wait here with her candy? She'll have a fit if it gets stolen" she nodded. Dylan smiled and took the candy bag from the child, "c'mon then" dahlia shooed lily into the nearest back alley.

                  Dylan looked around as a bunch of kids wandered around the neighbourhood with cool looking costumes on, there was at least ten variations of Michael Myers and a few clowns but the majority of the kids were all dressed up as witches and skeletons of some sort.  She was snapped out of thought when she was barged to the ground, "woah, my bad?" She stood up with a questioning tone.  Her eyes flicked up a tall body which eventually stopped a few inches above her, "um, sorry..." she apologised for no reason.  She literally did nothing.  The what she assumed was a man, was wearing a black cloak with a scream mask on.  It scared her a little since he didn't really say anything to her, he just stood within reaching distance.  Feeling rather uncomfortable with the mood, she began backing away.

                   She let out a pained Yelp as he grabbed her wrist with a lot of force, so much so it even felt like he broke it.  The bag of candy dropped to the floor and scattered everywhere, Lily's going to be fairly upset when she sees the scene... Dylan looked up at the man who was already walking away with herself in his grip, "let go..." she tried yanking herself out of his grasp.  Nothing.  This man had a grip of steel... She looked around in fear as people strolled down the street as if nothing was happening, of course no one would suspect a thing... it's Halloween.  Before she knew it she had already been thrown into the back of a vehicle.  Uh oh...


"You're so awkward lily, you could've waited until we got home" dahlia guided her sister back out of the alley, "when you gotta tinkle you gotta tinkle" she smiled. Dahlia had to smile back at the cute face below her, but when she eventually got back to where she originally left Dylan her face dropped. "Erm, Dylan?" She looked around. Lily gasped dramatically, "my candy!" She dropped onto her knees and began bagging her candy back up. Dahlia couldn't care less about the candy, but where on earth is Dylan and why is everything she was holding smashed into pieces on the floor? Her heart rate began picking up as she spotted Dylan's phone on the ground, "Dylan?!" She yelled, not caring about the funny looks she was getting.

She picked up Dylan's phone, which was barely in tact yet surprisingly still functional, although the screen was barely readable, before pulling up jays contact and dialling his number, "do not move lily, stay by me" she ordered her sister, who was still fixated on the candy, to stick by her side.


Jay was sat behind his desk in the bullpen when his phone started moving along the surface, an incoming call soon sounded out with a few rings. He picked it up to see his sisters name across the header.
Jay: "I said to be home by 11 dyl, not 9:30. I'm still working"
Dahlia: "it's dahlia, I think something happened. I left and came back and she's not here and I don't know what to do, I don't know where she is..."

Jay sat up straighter at the sound of a females voice on the other end of the line sounding rather disoriented and panicked, he recognised the voice as Dylan's closest friend. But he couldn't understand her, she was talking way too fast.
Jay: "woah hey, slow down lia. I can't understand you, take a few deep breaths for me then tell me what's going on"
Dahlia: -a few seconds pause-
Dahlia: "I left Dylan alone with Lily's candy for two minutes while I took lily to take a pee, and I came back to her phone on the floor. It's all smashed up and everything she was holding's all over the floor. I don't know where she is..."

                       Those words sent shivers down jays spine, his worst nightmare has just came true.  He quickly snapped his fingers in the air, which grabbed the units attention, before putting dahlia on speaker and instantly shocking Dylan's phones location.  The team gathered around in confusion.
Jay: "did you see if anyone was with her?"
Dahlia: "no, she was alone when I left her"
Jay: "are you with your sister right now? Are you two safe?"
Dahlia: "yeah..."
Jay: "listen to me lia, I have your location and I'm on my way. Do not move and stay away from everyone, do not talk to anybody and call your mom"
Dahlia: "okay..."

                     Jay looked up at the team as a small tear formed in his eye, "Dylan's missing..." he spoke shakily.  Silence...

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