"Half of a dead body was discovered in the woods. We're going to go look for the other half," Stiles didn't even let him finish the entire sentence before gladly offering up the information.

"Really? The two of you. Alone in the woods. Looking for a dead body?" You laughed at the boys who were screaming only a few seconds before. It was only when they blankly stared back that you realized it wasn't a joke. "Oh wait- are you serious?! Dude, that's so stupid!"

"I knew you'd say that," Scott groaned. "God, you're such a girl."

"That's not an offensive statement? I literally am a girl. But that's rich, considering I just made you scream like a couple of sissies," You chuckled. "I was on the phone with Lydia and ended it abruptly just because I saw you guys roleplaying piñata."

"Woah, woah. Hold on! You were on the phone with the Lydia Martin?" His enthusiasm cut through you like a dull knife. You shifted uncomfortably, unaware of the way your shoulders fell.

This moment bitterly reminded you of the reason why you'd been brushing him off for the past few days. This boy has been hopelessly in love with Lydia since you were kids. It was all he talked about since you met him. You knew there wasn't a chance in hell that she would ever go for anyone that wasn't the captain of some sort of sport, but you still didn't want to be the second choice when he was your first.

You, however, didn't hear the way he spoke about you while you weren't around. You were oblivious to the way he looked at you when you sang along to his music and how he softened his tone when he spoke to you. Sure, Lydia was hot and he still got excited to talk about her. But never in the way he talked about you.

"Dude, did you just not hear the part where we called you a sissy?" Scott jumped in, noticing your subtle disappointment and wanting to redirect the situation. "You don't have to come, Y/N. I know it's not your type of thing. But we're going because this is once in a lifetime opportunity here in Beacon Hills."

"Fine. But, uh, word of advice? Try not to scream like little girls if you hear a voice or see a bunny."

"Funny," Stiles smiled sarcastically as you walked away. "Very funny."

Scott waited for you to go back inside before slapping his best friend's chest with force.

"OW! What was that for?"

"For being an absolute idiot," Scott rolled his eyes. "Let's go find that body."


The next morning, you wanted to dress up a little for the first day of school. Your mom helped you with a subtle makeup look that brought out your best features and with curling your hair. You threw on the cute outfit you laid out the night before and had your mom drive you to school.

You hopped out of the car and walked up to your friends who were already standing outside of the building.

"Hey," You smiled.

"Y/N, woah. You, um, you look different! Like a good different though! Just like- wow you look nice," Stiles stuttered, making you giggle.

"Thanks! You too. How'd last night go?" You walked past them and led your friends into the building

"Shitty," Scott mumbled.

"My dad caught me out there and dragged my ass home. Scott, on the other hand, stayed, found the body, and got bitten by a wolf!" Stiles said dramatically.

"A wolf, huh?" You teased, walking up to your locker. "Damn it, Scott. I personally think vampires are way sexier but hey! Werewolves aren't that bad.. Aside from all of the fur-"

To Fall for a FriendWhere stories live. Discover now