I reply-That will not be necessary. I was just curious since from the outside the house looks in decent condition and as Helena is human I wondered if the neighbors were too.

She replies-For the most part, the streets near the house are all human workers of Thomas International. We try to keep them at the end of the pack boundaries so they do not catch sight of us shifting. We have a strict no shifting except in cases of emergencies rule for a mile radius from those few streets and near Thomas International. So far, the humans have never seen us shift as they keep mostly to themselves. 

I reply-I will make sure to follow that rule. Anyways, is there a way we can meet and look at the house today?

She replies-That will be no trouble at all. Are you free right now?

I answer-Yes, I am free right now and the rest of the day.

She replies-Then I will be on my way. Looking forward to meeting you.

I reply-Thank you. I will be outside waiting for your arrival.

We hang up and I decided to inspect the outside of the house while waiting. 

Twenty minutes later, a middle age Caucasian lady with blond hair and wearing a pink dress shows up in a red convertible. 

As she exits the vehicle, she makes her way towards me saying-Penelope, it is so nice to meet you in person. By the way, I love the name Penelope. 

I am a little taken aback by her personality wondering if it is sincere or her trying to make a sale. I reply-Thank you. Shall we move inside the house?

She smiles and eagerly says-Let's. I can already tell you are going to just love this place. Hopefully, after you settle in you can reach out to the pack and make friends. I understand you want your space, but just so you know everyone in this pack is so nice and helpful. We are a real community here. Hopefully you will want to join us after some time spent here. However, no pressure. As we respect your boundaries and we follow the Alpha's orders so will stay away until we have your approval to become closer.

Assertively I say-I am only planning on staying for the contracted year. My focus will be on the job. Since I have no plans on joining this pack or any pack for that matter. I just am not made for being in a pack. Nevertheless, I promised your Alpha that I will give the people of this pack a chance. So I am alright with exchanging pleasantries and helping someone if they need it, but I am not looking to make friends. Since I do not want any ties or no one holding me back. 

She kindly says-I do not believe that you are not made for being in a pack. However, I will not push the issue. Who knows what the year will bring. 

After that conversation we focus on the house. The house is nearly identical to Helena's, however in slightly better condition and a little bit larger. Clearly, any person walking through the house could tell that the previous owners took exceptional care of it. The entire property was in working order, tidy, and modern. 

Once we finished viewing the house, Brenda asks me-So are you going to put an offer on this house?

Smiling I say-Yes. I can picture myself living here. The property has everything I want and need in a house. Plus the house has perks like being closer to Helena and an area to run as a wolf in without having to travel far.

In excitement, she claps her hands and says-I will inform the owners and start the paperwork. I will let you know when I have them ready to be signed.

After a quick handshake she makes her way to her car and leaves. 

Once she is gone, I head inside Helena's house to go write my resignation letter and start making plans to complete the rest of my list.

(Hi Everyone-I hope you all like this chapter. Sorry for taking so long to update. Just had a lot in my life going on and I keep getting sick with colds due to my low immune system. Since I am still sick and the month of December is really busy with my grandma's birthday and the holidays, I will probably not update until the end of the month.)

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