ابدأ من البداية

Lin Qiushi was baffled, "Shopping for clothes? What clothes?"

Ruan Nanzhu smiled, "The clothes you'll wear inside the door."

Then, under the pitying gaze of the others in the villa, Lin Qiushi with a staggered expression, was led out by Ruan Nanzhu to the shopping mall. At first, the clothes were regular men's wear. Then, the two arrived at the women's clothing section...

Ruan Nanzhu was evidently familiar with the routine. He said that he was shopping for clothes on behalf of his girlfriend, yet he kept glancing towards Lin Qiushi.

At first Lin Qiushi did not figure it out, and a little dumbly, asked, "Nanzhu, do you have a girlfriend?"

Ruan Nanzhu: "Nope."

Lin Qiushi: "Then why are you buying women's clothing?"

Ruan Nanzhu: "I'm not buying, you are."

Lin Qiushi: "But I don't have a girlfriend either..."

Ruan Nanzhu, who was holding a few bags in his hands as he walked in the front, turned around upon hearing this, "They're going to be worn by you. Why would you want a girlfriend?"

Lin Qiushi's brain shut down for three seconds. Finally, he realized what this was all about.

There was unparalleled alarm in his eyes: "Nanzhu— For me to wear? Me? Wear?"

Ruan Nanzhu confirmed, "Correct. For you to wear."

"But— I'm like this, can I even wear women's clothing–" objected Lin Qiushi.

Ruan Nanzhu gave him an expression that spoke volumes, "What do you think of your looks?"

Lin Qiushi replied, "Like a nobody?"

Ruan Nanzhu sank into a taciturn silence as he looked at Lin Qiushi with increasing disbelief. Lin Qiushi felt goosebumps at this gaze of his. He did not dare inquire further and obediently followed Ruan Nanzhu back to the villa.

On the third day, Ruan Nanzhu dragged out Lin Qiushi, who was hiding in his room, and began to change his clothes.

As someone who spent most of his time sitting in the office, Lin Qiushi did not have a robust physique but only that of an ordinary adult man. His facial features made him look gentle and refined. He had double eyelids, and although his eyes weren't exactly big, they curved beautifully when he smiled. After making him sit properly, Ruan Nanzhu brought out his equipment and got ready to apply makeup.

Lin Qiushi was so disturbed that he couldn't tear his eyes away. "Nanzhu...can we discuss this a little?"

Ruan Nanzhu scoffed, "Discuss what?"

Lin Qiushi quietly said, "Can we not do this?"

Ran Nanzhu expressionless said, "Didn't you ask me if crossdressing was fun? No matter how many words I say, it's nothing compared to experiencing it for yourself." His eyes curved into a very unconvincing smile, "Don't worry, after we go in, I'll protect you very well."

Lin Qiushi was a hair's out of reach from crying.

He did not know a single thing about the makeup products that were in front of him. He felt Ruan Nanzhu apply makeup to his face for a long time, so long that when he was just about to fall asleep, Ruan Nanzhu finally straightened, dusted his hands off and said, "Done."

Lin Qiushi, "..."

Ruan Nanzhu handed him a mirror: "Take a look first, and then choose a hairstyle you like."

Lin Qiushi took the mirror and at first glance he was a little dazed. In the mirror was the face of a woman, not one who was drop jaw stunning but still pretty enough to attract other people's gaze. It was a gentle face, and probably because its owner was feeling a sense of injustice, it made "her" look the right amount of pitiable that would trigger another's protective instinct.

Kaleidoscope of Deathحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن