Start from the beginning

         God, Phoebe just wanted this to end. Turning back to Kory, she felt as her head was about to explode. "My best friend died a few years back and it's my fault. Now I get random hallucinations of her that drive me absolutely insane." 

        I took Kory a moment to reply. She didn't really know what to say. "You may have gone through some bad shit. I may have too, I don't know. But, what I do know is that no one manages alone." Phoebe looked Kory dead in her eyes. "I don't have to remember much to remember that." 

        The car stopped at a huge mansion in the middle of the woods, where the man said that Rachel had headed towards. Dick turned off the car, signaling all for them to get out. Closing the door behind her, the three walked up to the front door together. The door was creaked open, Dick motioning that they should go inside. 

        Walking in, the lights were flickering on and off as they tranced through the halls, Phoebe keeping close to Dick. Phoebe's heart started to pound, as if she was in some sort of horror movie. The lights turned on for a split second, before starting to flicker again. 

        "Get out," Phoebe heard a woman's voice from behind her, making her jump. Instinctively, Phoebe grabbed onto Dick's arm, terrified for her life. Turning around to face a beautiful woman, the lights went out again. A weird oozing sound was heard, the lights flickering on and off. The woman stood there, her face deformed and stretched. "GET OUT!" The woman screamed, Phoebe's ears piercing. 

        Footsteps were heard coming from behind her. Turning around, Phoebe stood face to face with a robotic man along with a mummified man with glasses. "Fuck," Phoebe whispered out, her grip tightening on Dick's arm. 

        A blood-curdling scream was heard from the basement, Dick's eyes lighting up. Turning to Phoebe and Kory, his lips were pursed. "Rachel." 

        "Go," Kory acknowledged to Phoebe and Dick, motioning that she could handle the people. Instantly, Phoebe let go of Dick's arm and the two ran through the halls, trying to find the stairs from the basement. The house was almost pitch black now, the only light being the moonlight reflecting off of the windows. 

        Finally finding the stairs, Phoebe gasped at what she saw from down below. Rachel's dark magic filled the air as she stood in the back of the room, almost looking through a violet portal. "Rachel!" Dick called out over all of the noise. The two quickly ran down the stairs, pushing through trying to push through Rachel's dark magic. 

        "Rach, it's us!" Phoebe tried to call out, but her voice was almost muffled by all of the noise. 

        Finally reaching Rachel, Dick grabbed the girl by the shoulders. Her eyes were pitch black, along with her skin as pale as a ghost. "Rachel, hey. It's us!" Dick tried to bring Rachel back to reality, but it just wasn't seeming to work. 

        "You're going to die," Rachel screamed at dick, her voice shaky and scared. "Please get out of here, before it's too late!"

         Phoebe placed her hand on Rachel's shoulder. "We aren't going anywhere, Rach. Dick and I are on your side." 

        Rachel shook her head, horrified at what she was becoming. "I don't wanna hurt you. Please." 

        "Listen, I was wrong," Dick started, taking a deep breath. "When I told you no one can help you."

       "You guys need to leave." Rachel started to cry, shaking her head. "Please." 

𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐋 ~𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐘𝐒𝐎𝐍~Where stories live. Discover now