Honestly, I think it's a brilliant method and a lot of sad ass artist need that today. But I'm not one of those! I made a mistake, I should have been on time today.

After I tried to understand the move Chris was pulling, I was able to calm down. When he disconnected the call, I didn't send a single text or call him back. I let it be.

"Ms. Daily, I do apologize for the sudden change of events. This sort of thing can always be tricky." The lawyer, Mona met me with me.

"It's no surprise when people want to put a price tag on someone's blood, sweat, and tears." I stated taking my seat in her office.

"Unfortunately you're right. Let me remind you the process isn't going to be quick and easy. You're aunts publishings is up for half a million dollars. You and I both know if it ends up in the wrong persons hands, your family's legacy will become watered down. Commercials, unapproved samples, and white washed creativity using the songs as they please. They are on the market currently for half a million dollars and expected to rise with potential bidders."

"Are you fucking serious?" I shouted. "Excuse my language," I address the fact of respecting my elders. "But damn, that's crazy."

"You have inherited the funds to fight this if you would like, I'm not an accountant or anything but I wouldn't worry too much about the financial aspect."

"But I'm sure this can potentially drain me if I try to press the matter. The last thing I want is to hear my family's work in a damn Christmas Target commercial where it's barely diverse in the actors they include or some damn Honda commercial. I can't just let this go."

"The decision is ultimately yours, I suggest you get to me by tomorrow morning before it's too late."

"Thank you Mona, I'll call you!"

"Thank you Mona, I'll call you!"

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"Diamond, I don't have time for the bullshit and I'm tired of going back and forth with you. I don't want animosity between us. For your level of stress you shouldn't want that either. When this baby is born I'm going to be there, as long as it's mine! Ain't nobody trying to come at you with any tricks or games, I respect if you can return that same courtesy. I want to talk about how we going to handle this if the baby is mine. No arguing, no yelling, none of that. Hit me back."

Since Savon had trouble getting up this morning, I still managed to get some work done in the studio. I clocked out early to make up for lost time yesterday with my kids. I have yet to hear from Diamond. I would have thought that she would have called me back by now.

As we figure out the paternity of this baby, I want to cleanup this spiral of a relationship. Diamond and I were separated when she told me she was pregnant. Aside from our hookup, I know she was fucking another nigga right after me. Ain't no way she can deny it. I have receipts to prove the shit. I just haven't sprung it on her yet.

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