"For fuck's sake!" he cursed.  Alyssa gave him a curious look.  He was speaking in German so she had no idea what he was saying, but she could tell from his tone of voice and his body language that he was furious. 

"I just wanted you to be aware.  There might be a lot of press waiting outside the hotel, possibly at the airport although I don't think they know your flight details.  You can never be too sure though so be ready to dodge them if necessary.   Antti will be there to collect you."

"Thanks Britta.  I'll see you later."

"I'll come round later on to talk to you and Alyssa about what you want to do."

"See you then."  He hung up and put his phone back into his pocket. 

"What's wrong?"Alyssa asked him.  He shook his head. "Seb please, tell me."

He didn't want to tell her as he didn't want to upset her but he knew he had to prepare her.  He gave her a brief outline of what Britta had said. 

"I knew this would happen," she said, obviously upset.  "It's all complete bullshit.  You weren't getting back with Sienna, and I did not seduce you!"

"We know that.  The ones that matter know that.  Just ignore them. They'll soon find something else to gossip about."

"That's easy for you to say.  It's not your name that's being dragged through the mud."

Seb stopped in his tracks.  Alyssa stopped too.  "Look, you know I hate the press talking about my private life, but if it makes you feel better we can release a statement confirming our relationship and denying the accusations about me getting back with Sienna and you seducing me."

"You'd do that for me?"

"I'd do anything for you."

"I love you."

"I love you too but come on, I think we should get inside and get checked in before someone spots us."

Alyssa knew he was right. They carried on heading across the car park. It was time to head to Belgium to face everyone.


Luckily there had only been a few photographers when they'd arrived in Belgium. Seb grabbed their cases, Alyssa followed him on her crutches. They headed outside to where Antti was waiting for them. Seb quickly put their cases in the boot and they got into the car.

"The hotel have said we can use the back entrance. There's quite a few photographers out the front. By quite a few I mean the place is under fucking siege."

Seb groaned. He hated being the centre of the press's attention. "Thank you Antti."

Soon they arrived at the hotel. Alyssa gasped as she spotted the crowd gathered outside. Surely that wasn't all for them? "I had no idea it was going to be this bad."

"Fucking vultures. You'd think they'd know by now that they'll get nothing from you boss."

"It's a scandal because Alyssa is Sienna's sister. That interview Sienna's friend gave didn't help. It gave the complete wrong impression of Alyssa."

Antti pulled up outside the back entrance.  Seb jumped out and opened the door for Alyssa. She took his hand and got out.  He handed her her crutches and grabbed their cases.

They said goodbye to Antti and headed inside.  The hotel had banned the press from entering so they managed to check in without much bother.   Once they had done so they headed up to their room. 

Alyssa sat down on the bed. Seb sighed as the door shut behind them.  "I can't believe all this bullshit," he cursed. 

"Maybe I'd better stay at the hotel all weekend," Alyssa said.

All of Me (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now