Kicked The Bucket

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Suicide Warning  

Alex is a not-so-normal teen. First, he has two personalities one acts like a child this is the one he is in most of the time. His second one is harsher and he acts like a killer. He has only once been in his killer one and he almost killed a kid that was bullying him. Once his parents and sister found out they always listen to him. Today is different way different than it usually is.

Alex right now Alex is going to ask his sister to play. When he saw her in the front room with their parents talking he decide to sneak up on them so he could scare them. As he got closer to them he heard what they were saying. 

Mom: "What are we going to do with him we can't go on like this any longer."

Dad: "We should send him to a mental hospitable or something."

Sister: "I heard places like those have a lot of people like him."

As Alex heard this he was devastated and heartbroken into pieces. The ones he loved have lied to him at this moment his other personality took over. The other then sneaked out and went to his parent's room to find his father's gun. He checked if it was loaded and it was. The other then proceeded to go back to the front room. He looked at his father shot and smiled hearing the screams of his mother and sister telling him to stop. Other than shot the mother and sister one after the other. He then smiled some more before switching back to Alex. As Alex saw the dead bodies he didn't know what to do so he cried. He felt the gun in his hand and decided what to do with it. Alex slowly brought the gun towards his head then shot himself. Then Alex saw was darkness and only darkness. 

Alex has been in the darkness for a while now. As his time in the darkness, his second personality has long disappeared and he became emotionless. Suddenly he is in a bright white room with a handsome guy with hair darker than the void and blue eyes deeper than the Atlantic.


Is this a god he is so handsome I thought that he would look like an old man,

God: "Well thank you for saying I'm handsome but God's chooses their appearance."

Well, I should have guessed God's could read my mind I'm so dumb. Anyways what am I doing here anyway?

God: "Well your soul is blank and I've only seen a few like this. With that reasoning, I decided to reincarnate you with 6 wishes to any world."

Well okay, can I go to an anime world.

God: "Yes but then you can only wish for powers in that world."

Well, then I want to go to Boruto.

God: "Well I'm surprised you are the only person that asked to go there most will ask to go to Naruto. Well, now it is time for your wishes."

Well, first and second is I want Naruto and Sasuke's DNA. Third and Fourth I want all of Naruto and Sasuke's Powers. Fifth is I want my own nine-tailed fox that is white. Last is I want looks just like yours.

God: "Ha well now goodbye to you."

Well bye to you too handsome.

Well, then my vision is black again now to wait.

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