chapter 8 (Lemon)

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I awoke to someone pulling open the curtains letting in a ray of sunshine through the massive window, "morning girly! Hurry now, we might get to see zhongli before we leave for Snezhnaya" Snezhnaya... that's right I have to leave liyue today to go back to childes home country. Something was placed on the end of my bed I sat up and rubbed my eyes to see childe fully dressed a beaming smile on his face placing an outfit on the end of my bed. Childes smile, how long had it been since I'd seen a smile on his face? I couldn't tell you.

"How long are we leaving for?" I asked im not really that bothered about the time because it seems as though my whole life belongs to childe at this point however, I do have rent to pay in the house I never get to sleep in.

"About a week, why?" He asked "well I have rent to pay" I said looking at him as he slumped down in a chair in the corner of the room. "Oh you needn't worry about rent girly, I went to go see your landlady a few weeks ago and payed it for you in advance, seen as though I've had you stay here with me" I smiled to myself he can be so kind and caring sometimes, I get out of bed and look at childe to signal him to leave, it seems he didn't get the message.

"Childe can you please leave, I'm about to get dressed" he simply sat there smiling at me. I then looked down to find I was completely naked, oh, I suppose there's no point in having him leave he's seen everything anyway. I quickly got dressed and we departed for the boat immediately. Once we got there we were greeted by a psychotic looking man in a mask, a tall lady who was absolutely stunning with extremely long platinum blonde locks, and a short man in a hat I belive he was the one who had taken childe away before, we all got on board and set sail for Snezhnaya.

"Childe who are all these people?"
I asked I assumed the other few dozens of fatui were just normal fatui however the other three seemed to be of a diffrent status.

"You really don't know? The masked man is Dotorre he's a bit of a nut case, he's a sick son of a bitch I'd keep your distance, the tall lady is La Signora, the 8th fatui harbinger she can be extremely cold and down right mean with the way she speaks to people, and the short one with the big hat is the 6th fatui harbinger, Scaramouche he's not much of a talker and he also has a sharp tounge so for this whole ride you only have me to keep you company" Dottore, La Signora, Scaramouche those are names of the harbingers I figured they were of a much higher status than these other foot soldiers, I knew their names as soon as childe said them but not many people have the chance to see the faces of the harbingers so their actual appearance eludes many of the common people like me.

"Why are you all going back to Snezhnaya? Do you have business their and why are all the harbingers going back at once?"

"How perceptive, however I'm unfortunately, as much as I like you, I'm unable to say" he's not allowed to tell me that much figures however why would he bring me along if he's going to Snezhnaya for fatui business?

"Then why bring me along? Are you going to sacrifice me to the almighty Tsaritsa" i made a slight joke to lighten the atmosphere.
He answered with maybe, I then left to go explore the ship this ship was massive I've never seen one like it, not even captain beidous ship can compare to this I'm definitely going to get lost. I was walking along the corridor, when I stopped and froze in place im a defenseless girl on a ship full of fatui and all 11 of the harbingers and I had just walked away from the one person on this boat that wasn't going to kill me, unless I didnt do what he said. But still. I continued to walk watching my step as though if I stepped on the wrong plank of wood they'd have my head on the tsarista's desk by 3 pm sharp. I found a small area below the deck of the boat it appears to be just a lounge area? There I saw a small man, he looks friendly enough.

"Why hello there, my my what's a gorgeous girl like you doing on a boat like this" he said giving me a smile that was half covered by his mustache, "I came on board with childe" I say shyly, in hopes that maybe if he knows i came on board with childe he won't try and do anything, he then pats the seat next to him giving me another smile. I sat down because he doesn't look dangerous.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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