Chapter 2

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You woke up today, unfortunately for you without Childe. You woke up to the sounds of conversations. You got up and got dressed and headed downstairs, only to stop at the last step and peer out, into the living room. You saw Childe along with a member of the fatui. It was a while after you and childe became friends that you found out that not only was he part of the Fatui, but he was a harbinger. The harbingers are the strongest of the Fatui having eleven of them in total.

"Here is a list of the people who haven't payed their debts back to the Fatui" the masked man spoke in a very polite manner. "Thank you. Now leave." As the man left, Childe turned around and looked straight at me "its not very nice to eavesdrop on an important conversation like that girlie," I just stood there frozen in place his eyes a piercing blue looking straight at me. I hated the nickname flower girl but id rather him call me that, than Girlie, especially in the tone he said it in. The way he said it, could shake even the strongest people to their very core.

"I'm sorry, I didnt mean too" I definitely did mean to eavesdrop, but I had no idea he would react like that. He started to walk towards me, I backed up against the wall, and he reached a hand out to me and grabbed me. I closed my eyes shut until I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. Childe had pulled me into a hug? After eavesdropping on his conversation he gives me a hug? He then leaned down so he was level with my ear and whispered.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that, I dont want you to see me when I work as a harbinger" he then placed his head on my shoulder and left it there, he was apologising over and over he sounded as though he was on the brink of tears. I felt like the worst human on the planet. I shouldn't have listened in on their conversation, I just hugged him back even though i didnt have any right to enjoy this hug as much as I do.

"I should get going," he said as he picked up the papers and left. I didnt see him after that, I spent all my time inside I didnt want to leave incase he came back, and I wasnt here. The couple of days I spent in my house felt like months, there wasn't much to do by myself. So I just sat there and watched the clock go by.

I was laying on the couch drifting off to sleep when I heard the door click and I saw a familiar red head walk in. "Sorry I was gone for a while, how's it going" I sat up almost immediately, and had the look of an excited child plastered all over my face. I felt like going up to him and giving him a big hug but I held myself back since I was the reason that he left. "Welcome back Childe," I said as I remained seated he walked over and sat next to me. Things were awkward to say the least. I started to get sleepy however and placed my head on his shoulder and drifted off to sleep before  I could process what I was doing.

"My, my, what am I going to do with you" he said as he picked up your sleeping body and took you too bed.

Facade [Chile/Tartagalia X Female Reader, Unless...]Where stories live. Discover now