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This will be a sort of flash back to how she met childe I will try to keep it to just one chapter if possible so this takes place a year earlier than when the actual story is set

Windwheel asters, Those hypnotic salmon coloured flowers who would have thought they would lead me to such a pain-filled future. Yes thats right I remember it quite well, that day I was out to pick some windwheel asters, thats where I met Childe. I still remember the look he had on his face quite well, holding a windwheel aster in his hand he looked up to the statue dreaming of bigger things than he could handle.

I walked closer to the statue I gave him a quick smile before I began picking the flowers from around the Statues, he then smiled back at me and placed the one he was holding in my hair. He was tall, and had messy Ginger hair he wore grey and red clothing. I looked towards his belt where his jacket parted and he had a hydro vision, not only that but to the side of his head sat a Fatui mask. I didnt know much about the Fatui back then, but I knew they were a group of violent people from Snezhnaya who served under Tsaritsa the cryo archon herself.

So I quickly thanked him and left as quickly as possible back to liyue. On my way there my mind pondered on that innocent smile of his, he was so gentle it was hard to belive he was a part of the Fatui. His light blue eyes were so soft and not the eyes of someone who is a part of a group like the Fatui. I was too busy thinking about the new guy I just met that I didn't notice Xiangling, she had been out collecting ingredients for a new dish she was making. She asked me if I wanted to try the new dish once she makes it. I was quite looking forward to that dish aswell who knew the same guy who made mind get all confused would also be there

I was with xiangling while she was making her new dish, when zhongli walked in, I had only known zhongli for a while after I came to liyue I greeted him with a simple hello as Xiangling explained he was also here to try the new dish. Then 'he' walked in he smiled at me and called me flower girl. This would become his nickname for me it was rare that he ever called me by my real name. Zhongli then explained that he was also here to try the new meal if that was okay with Xiangling, which of course she was. Xiangling has always been proud of her cooking and always likes to share her cooking with other people

It was that same evening that I found out that his name was childe and despite being a Fatui he was a nice person and over the years we became the best of friends.

We were a trio, Zhongli, childe and I and  occasionally Xiangling if she wasnt always traveling all around Teyvat looking for new ingredients.

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