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M. Hatsume x Non-binary Reader!

Isabella's Lullaby. Miura Jam


They always loved the silence around them. They were never really one to enjoy big crowds, loud noises or just people in general. This wasn't always an issue though; it only became one the day they developed their quirk when they were five. Super hearing was the name of their quirk and they have yet to decide if it's a curse or a gift. Ever since it's developed they've had to wear noise-cancelling headphones everywhere they go to drown out the noses from all around them. Most of the things they enjoyed when they were little they had to stop doing because of the noise.

Public areas became a struggle for them. They were no longer capable of going to school or the park like a normal kid and their social life struggled because of that. Their legal guardian decided that it'd be best if they hired someone to come teach them at home, reducing the amount of noise that Y/N had to endure.

So, it was a mystery to them how they managed to get themselves into the situation they're currently in; standing in the U.A workshop, helping out Mei Hatsume who's one of the loudest students attending U.A. The only one louder than her is probably that angry blonde kid from class 1-A. Y/N managed to hear his scream across campus with their headphones on. They never thought that they'd even last this long at an actual school, but thanks to Hatsume they did.

When they first met, the salmon-haired girl was intrigued by their quiet classmate who seemed to be sitting alone in the back of the class with headphones on. They seemed uncomfortable and in discomfort. When she looked closer at them she noticed that every time someone or something made a loud noise they would flinch slightly. She watched and studied Y/N for days after the first day of school. Hatsume always kept a close eye on them no matter where they went at the time. Her quirk was something that helped her a lot in this small mission of hers.

Hatsume spent hours coming up with a plan to help Y/N with her quirk. She spent days in the workshop with Power Loader, constantly listening to his every piece of advice, to every word that left his mouth which was the first time she's ever done that since Hatsume attended U.A. Sleep was a stranger to the girl and breaks were something she didn't exactly take often unless forced upon her by her teacher.

Power Loader was always confused about Hatsume's sudden change of personality during the beginning of her second year at U.A. She suddenly became more focused on her tasks and less clumsy, almost. The number of times she'd break something lowered and her energy just seemed to have dropped and focused on the task that intrigued her so much. It wasn't until Hatsume asked to see the file of one of her classmates that he finally understood why she's been acting so strangely.

After a few months of working and researching Hatsume's classmate and their quirk, they finally managed to build one of Hatsume's greatest inventions yet. Hatsume didn't hesitate to give the gift to Y/N; it was the first thing she did in the morning when she found Y/N. After explaining to Y/N how the invention worked, they finally took off their headphones for the first time in over 10 years. Y/N slipped on the pair of hearing aids and turned them on, bracing themselves for the loud noises around them there were about to hear, but nothing came.

"You can adjust the volume setting with the dial on the back," Hatsume explained as she reached towards the device and showed Y/N where the dial was.

Y/N reached the same spot Hatsume had and started fidgeting with the dial slightly. They turned it all the way and listened to how the room went completely quiet, despite them being in a noisy classroom. They then turned the dial halfway up and listened to the noises all around them get louder and louder.

A smile appeared on Y/N's face as they adjusted the hearing aids to their preference, "Thank you." They mumbled as they fidgeted with their clothing slightly.

Y/N smiled as they remembered that memory. That was the day they made their first friend. It was the day that Y/N and Hatsume started bonding over similar interests and talked about the most random of topics. Hatsume managed to help them get out of their small little bubble and start socializing with more people. Of course, Y/N still wasn't the most social butterfly out there, but now, they finally had maybe a few friends and a best friend now and that was more than they could ask for.


Srry for the late job, completely forgot that it was friday 

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