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K. Jiro x Non-binary Reader!

Juliet. Cavetown

Mentions of death

Pls read at your own risk


Stars painted the night sky as a light, cool spring breeze travelled through the sky. Leaves in the trees rustled and tussled against one another as they danced to the rhythm of the wind. It was relatively quiet for a Saturday night at the U.A. dorms. Typically, there was a party going on at one of the buildings which Y/N and Denki usually organized. However, tonight was not a 'party-worthy' night. This morning, Y/N received the worse news of their life: Their father—who was a pro-hero—was killed in a villain attack this morning by a new rising group of villains. Of course, this was the price their father had to pay for being a hero, he knew the risks when he first started and Y/N knew that too, they just thought that it wouldn't have happened so soon.

They found out about the news of their father's passing around noon and the way they found out about it wasn't the greatest.


It was just like any other Saturday, Y/N woke up at around eleven in the morning, which was nothing new for them. Denki—their partner in crime, their best friend and partner in party planning—was in their dorm until three in the morning helping finish the final details of the party they were gonna throw later on that day. Everything was ready; the invites, the equipment needed, the playlist, food, everything. All that was left was putting up the decoration and they weren't going to start that for another good hour or four.

With a reluctant sigh—and a loud groan as they stretched all their limbs—Y/N got out of bed, traces of sleep still visible on their face. There was a trail of drool that led from the corner of their mouth down to their chin, their eye bags looked like they had volume to them now, their hair was a complete mess and, to top it all off, their breath smelt like Death himself. Y/N dragged their feet to their bathroom inside their dorm and undressed from what they wore to bed the night before, and stepped into the shower. A groan left their lips as they accidentally looked directly up at the bright light inside of the shower.

Turning on the shower and blasting their music from a waterproof speaker inside the shower, Y/N began their daily routine in an attempt to wake themselves upon this 'lovely' Saturday morning. As songs that Mina and Denki had recommended to Y/N started playing, they couldn't help but screech out their longs to a few of them and dance around for others (Cpr being one of them). Y/N stepped out of the shower and dried themselves off before carrying out their normal morning routine.

Y/N quickly got dressed and finished brushing their teeth before walking out of the bathroom again, their towel still in their hands as they dried off their hair. They threw the towel over their shoulder and walked out of the bathroom. They quickly picked out an outfit and put it on before continuing on with their day. 

They looked back at their bed before glancing over at their alarm clock; they figured that they probably had enough time to sleep another hour before having to go downstairs to help Denki set up everything. They already had food prepped and ready to go, they were just waiting on Sato to finish off the last few things. They even managed to convince Bakugo to lend a hand. Setting a timer on their phone, Y/N quickly plopped down on their bed once again. They rested their hands on top of their eyes, covering their eyes from the sunlight that was seeping in from their window. Just as they were about to shut their eyes, a knocking noise woke them up.

A groan left their lips as they let their hand run down their face. They thought that if they didn't say anything the person would just get the hint and leave, but they couldn't have been more wrong. The longer Y/N left the door unanswered, the louder and stronger the knocking got. It went from a soft noise, barely audible to a loud obnoxious knocking. If Y/N didn't know better about the U.A.'s new security system, they would've thought that the police were about to knock on their door.

Y/N sighed as they gave up the idea of sleeping and reluctantly got up to answer the door to the obnoxious individual who couldn't seem to catch a hint. "What?" They groaned, glaring at the person on the other side of the door.

"Dude, it-it's your dad," Denki mumbled as he pointed behind him, trying to drag them out.


A soft knock echoed on their door; they didn't get up to answer, of course. The last time they opened their door today their best friend had pretty much told them that their father had died. They let themselves sink farther into their bed, trying to feel something that wasn't the grey feeling that was coursing through her brain. They couldn't cry and, to be quite frank, they didn't think they had enough energy to even do that, right now. Y/N wish that the sound of their sobs would drown out the silence that settled upon the room, but of course, nothing was going in their favour today.

"Y/N?" Jiro whispered as she opened the door. She knocked again as she peaked her head into the room. "I brought you some food—well, snacks from Bakugo's mini fridge."

A sigh escaped Jiro's lips as she allowed herself in when she noticed that the hero in training wasn't going to be getting up any time soon.

She smiled. "They're your favourites."

She still didn't receive a response. She shook her head softly, fidgeting with her earphones jack, slightly, trying to build up the courage to help out her classmate. She plopped down on Y/N's bed, causing it to dip, slightly, where she sat. Hesitantly, she reached out to the broken person, laying in front of her. She placed a gentle hand on Y/N's shin, trying to comfort them.

She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She felt her face heat up and she quickly turned away. Damn it, she thought as she winced. I'm in life-threatening situations every week. Why am I getting nervous now?

Jiro slapped her cheeks before letting out a sigh as she turned to face Y/N again. She looked back at Y/N, taking in their appearance and state before coming to a conclusion on the next steps she needs to take. She gently placed her hand back on their shin again, gaining Y/N's attention this time before a soft smile appeared on her face.

"It's okay to cry, you know," Jiro spoke, softly. "You don't have to be strong all the time. Just because we're future heroes doesn't mean we're not humans."

A single tear rolled down Y/N's cheek before another one followed it. They stayed silent, letting the tears stain their cheeks as their eyes stayed focused on the ceiling. "I miss him..." They mumbled, propping themselves on their forearms, facing Jiro. "I just want him back." A heavy sob escaped their throat before they were wrapped into a hug.

Sobs filled the silence in the room as Y/N basked in the comfort that Jiro had provided them. 


Tbh, I don't really like this one lmao but here it is

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