34: He's Just A Soul Whose Intentions Are Good

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The warehouse

Cold, empty, spacious.

Pipes settle in the distance which echoes, the wind causing the roof to creak though it was sturdy.

The ceiling fan whips around and around which doesn't provide all that much breeze because of how big the warehouse is.

Light Yagami and his father along with Aizawa, Matsuda and Mogi stood on one side, all dressed in suits as usual.

A few meters away from the group sat two crouched men.

Near wore his usual attire. An oversized white long sleeve shirt and pants that look like pajamas whilst L had on a pair of sweats and a black long sleeve shirt.

L's hair had been trimmed and slicked back a bit with water.

Can't have the task force realizing he's L right away now.

Both the crouched men wore masks.

"Who's your friend Near?" Asked Light.

"His identity is not of importance at the moment."

Matsuda scoffed, "Mind telling us why you're wearing masks while we are risking our lives? Kira can kill us at any moment!"

Near spoke again, "This is a precaution. As you are aware, Kira can control his victims so we will let 30 minutes pass for any effect on any person here to wear off."

The task force weren't all that happy they had to stand around for so long doing nothing.

L glared daggers at light behind that mask.

The men sat in utter silence for the duration of the 30 minutes. The occasional creaking and bang from the warehouse.

"Mr. Aizawa." Near called. Aizawa's head shot up with the mention of his name, "Do you have the notebook?"

"Yeah." Aizawa grumbled as he pulled is out of his coat. He strided towards Near with his arm out holding the book.

"No." this caused the man to stop. The rest of the task force exchanged confused glances, even Light. Near continued, "I don't want it."

"So why did you ask us to bring it?" Mogi asked. He was the only level headed man in the room who wasn't angry.

Mr. Yagami stayed quiet as he was afraid that he say something he would regret. After all they were blaming his son for the deaths of over thousands of people.

"Just place if on the floor will you?" Near instructed.

Aizawa obeyed and placed it on the center of the two groups

Near took of his mask and placed it beside him and smiled at the task force.

Adorable and creepy.

Gasps and murmuring were heard among the group.

"So Near." Mr. Yagami started, "What about your friend?"

L bent his head down, facing the floor and slid his mask off. A couple seconds passes and L inhaled deeply.

He looked up.

The faces he got was priceless, especially Light's

"I thought you were dead?!" Light yelled, trying not to come off as the one who wanted him dead in the first place

"L, its really you!" Matsuda placed a hand on his chest.

"How is this possible Ryuzaki?!" Mr. Yagami asked with wide eyes.

"That is not important." L cleared his throat.

Near whispered to L, "I'm concerned as to why the sensors aren't going off. His accomplice should be here."

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