16: It's The 31st Of October, Can We Prepare For Christmas Now?

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"Did Halloween throw up in here?" Matsuda laughed, now entering the main room with Mr. Yagami.

"Yes!" Y/n jumped down from the step ladder she was on and rushed over to him, "How does it look?"

There were spooky candles placed on the sides of the room, pumpkins herself and Watari carved. There were orange and black banners and streamers along the walls, lights strung on the walls.

"It looks fantastic Y/n!" Matsuda smiled

"Did you both do it yourselves?" Mr. Yagami nodded to it

Watari finished hanging up some of the streamers and carefully stepped down form the step ladder, "Yes, Ms. Y/n picked up most of the decorations."

Footsteps were heard coming down the stairs.

Light came down with L trailing behind.

"Wow." Light awed looking at the decorations, "Watari, was this your idea?"

"Nope." he chuckled, "Ms. Y/n came up with the idea."

"I mean we are..." she looked at a clock to get the time, "Four hours from Halloween." She jumped in excitement.

"You really like this holiday, don't you?" Mr. Yagami asked.

"Yes because of the the colors."

"The colors?" Light laughed, "That's all?"

"Maybe the pumpkins too."

L admired everything that the two did, "It looks lovely Y/n."

"Thank you." she smiled, "You guys are not ready for Christmas." the girl beamed at the group.

"Christmas?" Light let out a small laugh

Watari folded the step ladder and chuckled, " I already took Ms. Y/n shopping for a Christmas tree."

Y/n groaned, "Watari that was a secret."

L walked over to his chair, dragging Light along.

He put on the monitors. The men in the Yotsuba head office were about to have a meeting and L was recording every second.

"When did you put cameras up?" Matsuda questioned, sitting on the couch.

"I had Wedy place them yesterday." L said, he was a bit down today.

Y/n peered over his shoulder and looked at him, L turned his head to the side to face her.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly

Though he wanted to smile at her concern, he didn't " I'm alright."

"You seem down today." Y/n placed her head on his shoulder.

"I guess I am a bit tired."

Y/n giggled, "L you're a lot of things, a liar is not one of them."

"Is it that obvious?" he genuinely questioned.

"Normally you're too stubborn to admit you're tired."

"You're one to talk about stubborn." he smiled slightly.

Y/n scoffed playfully, "You're throwing shade now huh?" She ruffled his hair before sitting next to him.

The detective had been feeling a bit down concerning some things and now he felt a bit better, Y/n single handily made that happen without even trying.

It was a scary thing for him to be dependent on a person, it was something he avoided until now. He just needed her there, all the time.

"Aren't there supposed to be 8 of them?" Y/n questioned, tilting her head.

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