29. Living On A Prayer

Start from the beginning

"There is a lot of evidence in favour of him being the culprit," Nie Huaisang muses.

"And nothing suggesting otherwise!" Liban adds. "It must be your affection for him that is clouding your judgement, Hanguang Jun."

"Well, I know for sure Brother Wei didn't do it!" Jin Ling bursts out.

"Jiang Clan Leader, what say you?" The Clan Leaders turn to Jiang Cheng. "Where do you stand?"

Ah Cheng clears his throat, fiddling with Zidian on his finger. "It's true that Wei Wuxian has done some... questionable things. But... I don't think he's capable of doing something like this."

"Gu Clan Leader," Wangji says. "I would swear by the Unbreakable Vow that Wei Wuxian is innocent."

There is a beat of silence.

Wei Ying doesn't lift his head, but Wangji can see the faintest smile on his lips.

"Then we shall take a vote," Xichen announces. "All those in favour of Wei Wuxian's death say 'aye.' Those who don't say 'nay.' Let's start with Nie Clan Leader."

Huaisang halts. He fans himself, thinking about his vote. "...aye."

"Gu Clan Leader?"


"Hanguang Jun?" Xichen gazes at Wangji.

"Nay," Wangji immediately says.

"I vote nay, too!" Jin Ling exclaims.

"Jiang Clan Leader?"

Everyone looks at Ah Cheng. Ah Cheng hesitates. He adjusts his collar. Long silence ensues.

Why isn't he saying anything? Wangji panics. He isn't considering voting against him... is he?

"...well? Jiang Clan Leader?" Xichen prompts.

Ah Cheng's eyes wander to each of the waiting Clan Leaders, and then to Wei Ying, contemplating his choice.

"...I vote... nay."

Wangji sighs in relief, trying to maintain his expressionless poker face. He turns to see the other men's reactions: Jin Ling is smiling triumphantly; Huaisang has a surprised look on his face, his mouth in an 'o' shape; Liban is fuming.

"The majority wins: Wei Wuxian shall not have a death penalty," concludes Xichen.

"This is preposterous!" Liban bellows at last. "Wei Wuxian has assaulted my daughter and tried to harm her and worse! And you all believe he should face no repercussions?!"

"We have decided that Master Wei will live, but not unpunished."

"Then what will be his punishment?" Huaisang interjects.

"I suggest community service for six moons and 1,000 whiplashes," says Xichen.

Wangji reels in astonishment.

"1,000?!" Jin Ling blurts.

"No one has ever faced 1,000 whiplashes before," Ah Cheng objects.

Wei Ying pales and the expression in his eyes change, but other than that he shows no visible signs that the sudden decree affected him.

"Well, I agree it's a suitable punishment for him!" Liban snarls, and to two Gu Clan disciples standing guard he commands, "Whip him!"

"No!" Jin Ling cries.

"Gu Clan Leader..." Jiang Cheng starts to argue.

Wei Ying doesn't resist as one disciple shoves a gag into his mouth while the other reties him to a pillar that has been placed in the center of the room. The first lash strikes Wei Ying in the back with a sickening crack!

Wei Ying groans in pain, doubling over. Blood fills his mouth.

Wangji's senses prick. He gasps.

"Wei Ying!" the sound tears from his throat before he can stop it.

He unsheathes Bichen, and without realising it, has begun to dash forward. Around him, the clan leaders glance up, startled at his sudden drawing of his weapon. He hardly registers the yelps and exclamations of surprise and questions as he glides across the room. All he can see is Wei Ying—eyes licked with pain, staring intensely back at him with all the soul and fear in the world.

"Lan Zhan," he mouths.

Wangji makes to close the space between them, but Xichen grabs him by the scruff of his robes.

Wangji's eyes are blazing ice, "Brother, unhand me."

"He will never learn his lesson if he doesn't pay the price," shouts Xichen, stone-faced.

The Chief Cultivator is trembling. "Not like this," he growls, deep voice reverberating in the air between them. "Not like this. Now unhand me!"

He pulls away from his brother—


Something has been plastered to his back, rooting the cultivator to the spot. A freeze talisman. Wangji tries to run. He tries to yell, but his arms are frozen in midair. His feet don't budge. His eyes are hardened to a fixed point in the room: Wei Ying.

Their eyes meet across the room. Wangji doesn't even know when he started crying, but his vision blurs. And his cheeks are hot and wet.

Wei Ying is whipped again. But his gaze remains locked on Wangji, and the cultivator is incredulous to find him smiling. As if saying "It's okay."

"Don't worry about me, Lan Zhan. Worry about yourself. You big dummy."

With each lash, the Yiling Patriarch's tormented screams pitch and soon begin to gurgle—the sound of Wei Ying choking on his own blood. Wangji can barely recognise his voice, but those screams... they are all too familiar. Like the screams in his nightmares, the ones that once plagued his mind...

With nothing else to do, Wangji stands there, helpless to drown out the lashing whip and Wei Ying's agony.

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