Chapter 1

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The chills ran down my spine as I saw him walk away, again I was left alone, with myself but this time, I did not want him to leave me like this. I ran to him and held him close from behind. He stopped, silent in his tracks breathing peacefully. I could hear his heart as my head was nuzzled into his back.

"Please stay with me," I closed my eyes, my grip tightening around his waist.

He softly took my hands and released my grip from around his waist.

I woke up to the slight buzzing of my phone that was letting me know that I had an incoming call. Unable to make out the caller id I yawned, "H-ello?"
"Avery, where are you? Work started 10 minutes ago," The caller on the other line said with melancholy.

Stumbling out of bed I ran to the closet space that was adjacent to my bed in my studio-sized apartment "I am so sorry, I am on my way!" 

I hung up the phone, turning the shower on as I tossed my clothes on the sink. I didn't think before jumping into the ice-cold water but I did not have the time to wait around. I hopped back out, drying myself off and finishing my morning routine and threw on a semi-formal outfit, and headed out to the parking garage. I sped through the streets making my way to my office. I was an editor for a small newsgroup and I worked hard to get where I am at in my life.

Running in, I swiped my keycard and saw my boss on my way to my cubicle "I am so sorry for being late!"

Xe turned around, "It's fine just do not be late again. Get yourself set up then meet me in my office," with that, xe walked off before I could respond.

Quickly setting up my laptop, pens, and notes I set down my cup and headed into xyr office. "What did you want to see me for?"

"For the next piece of work, I want you to look into the crime rates of this city and write an article on how we could stop it," Xe said, not looking up from his laptop and waving me out of his office.

By the end of the day, I had learned more about this city and the staggering amount of crimes than what was taught in our school systems. I sat staring at my phone dozing off when an alarm woke me up reminding me of the date I was to have. My dating life has always been cobwebs and first dates that never saw a second. But I continued trying because no matter what I tried, I had always wanted someone to be by my side. But who doesn't?

I grabbed my bags and headed to the coffee shop that I was meant to meet her at. As time went on I found myself looking through my emails as I waited for her to arrive. Still nothing. After thirty minutes, I gave up and headed out to a local carnival. The noise helped silence the stress I had and I found peace within the storm. I grabbed myself some hot cocoa and pulled out my laptop, staring at the blank document I was meant to fill. Where was the inspiration? I sighed, and closed the laptop placing it back in my bag and tossed it over my arm, and started to walk around. The young teenagers who felt they were in love. Little kids who had begged to play another round at a game they wouldn't win. The bliss of the fair in such a beautiful season. This night was like the rest, it would leave anyone speechless. Nature's ombre of colors that were soon to fade. I smiled, walking towards my car. I placed my bag in the seat next to me, the cold air hitting my face as the car slowly heated up. The city lights were a blur through the droplets of water that slowly started to gather into a drizzle. When I thought of how far I had come, I was proud of it. I never had planned to go down the path I did.

Looking out into the city lights from my small apartment I sipped my coffee, listening to the rain patter against my windows. This is what I wanted but moreover, I wanted to be able to listen to this with a partner. I wanted that above all. I slouched down, typing away on my next article that was due by the end of the weekend but I had plans to finish early. Words turned into sentences and the city got quieter and the rain soon became thunder. 

I woke up to a faint knock on my door "Delivery!" The UPS worker said before scurrying off to his next drop-off

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I woke up to a faint knock on my door "Delivery!" The UPS worker said before scurrying off to his next drop-off. I made my way to the door, set down the coffee that was now cold on the counter and opened my door, and grabbed my package. It was the weekend and this city was buzzing. Everyone was awake even though it was still starting to get bright. I sat at the counter opening the package to find the new roast of coffee I was to try this month. Without coffee, I would not be able to do most of the things I can. My cat jumped onto the counter fitting himself into the tiny box. I laughed, picking it up and placing it on the ground before freshening up.

I headed down the street to the local coffee shop and ordered my regular drink; an iced pumpkin mocha with extra sugar. I sat down at the table pulling out a stool and did more research for the article. This was the best view that you could buy for just $5. Watching the taxis bring their customers to their work; hoping to be tipped well. The people trying to grab a cab to ensure they would not make it late to work. The city was a beautiful place. This city was my home. And I knew I had someone special waiting on me at home; Mr.Fluffs.

I packed up my belongings and turned too fast, running into a person; spilling his hot drink over his sweater. 

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