24: Some Tattoos Are Meant to Hide

Start from the beginning

I've been under so much stress lately that all I do is clench my teeth. It's gotten so bad that my ear has started to have a shooting pain in it.

"Nick said you're going to be starting to see a physical therapist?" Lee's fingers press into the side of my jaw right where it hurts. His touch is gentle though and his fingers start peppering that sore spot, causing my muscles to relax.

My head falls onto his thick shoulder but he doesn't stop massaging and when his fingers continue their path around my ear, I give a blissful sigh as he leans back onto the couch, my head shifting to his chest. "Yeah, I think it's why I get migraines so often so if PT can help I'll do it."

There's a beat of silence between us as the credits end and the new episode is loading. Lee interrupts it. "Adonis called. Him, Georgie, and TreeTrunk are on their way here TreeTrunk is driving your car and Adonis and Georgie are following him."

I smile, excitement bubbling in me. "TreeTrunk is coming?" My voice squeaks a little and Lee grumbles. "I can't wait to see them." My joy falters though, my mouth lowering. "Will Adonis be okay, meeting Addie?"

"It's going to be a shock." He's quiet again as the happy song plays out in the background. "He said Red Light had made a call a couple nights before the vandalism."

My hands fist his shirt. "You think?"

"Most likely."

We say nothing more.

Lee's fingers are sinfully skillful as they find the spots where I'm having the most discomfort. He finds the path that knotting up all my tension from my jaw, ear to my head and he does his best to release said tension.

"I'm sorry for ruining our date," I whisper.

Lee kisses my forehead, his voice thick and rough when he mumbled out, "I prefer staying in anyways."

His fingers make their way to my neck and it's like there's this one clump of muscles that is causing all this pain. Lee has found it and my body begins relaxing.

Lee's touch is so healing.

I wonder if mine is that way for him... or if it makes him uncomfortable. My fingers find one of the veins twining around his forearm and I lightly brush over it.

Soon the next episode of the show is on and I should be overjoyed at the fact Paul Hollywood gave out three handshakes, but all I can think about is Lee.

He's doing so much for me. My shop is almost finished because he's been working so hard at fixing it up. No one has ever gone so far for me, not even my amazing friends and family.

I push myself off his chest a little, my eyes locking onto his. "Does my touch ever bother you?"

His eyes widen and he sits back up, scooting back until he's in a comfortable sitting position. "No, Ellie. I promise I'd tell you if it was. But believe me when I say, you can kiss and touch me whenever you want."

My eyes fall to where his scar is. "I wish my touch could erase your pain."

His hand cups my cheek. "It does more than that, sweetheart."

I lean in, my lips pressing against his and Lee's hand grips my neck, gliding up then tilting my head back to give him better access. He lays there, all relaxed masculine sexiness and languid as he kisses me into oblivion. The only movements coming from him are his mouth and divine hands.

I love his hands.

They're thick, long, and padded with callouses from all the wood he has cut, the shelves he's hung up, the drills he's gripped to station things into place. His thick callouses are for me, they are there because of what he's doing for me, how hard he's working... for me.

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