"Weird for you to be calling me" You smirked making small talk with him noticing he shifted his camera so you don't have a view of the bathroom. He is acting weird like you were his girlfriend. You're literally no one to him. Why was he acting like you a side chick.

"Soooo...Tell me is Emi good in bed?" You heard a choking noise in the background as the man remained with a poker face. He was good at hiding his emotions when necessary. Must be an important trait to have working as an underground hero. "Don't have such a poker face. I don't care. Hitoshi see's you as an uncle anyway. You're family. Now if you and Emi stay together she can maybe become auntie as well." They were caught and with your confidence he had no choice but to fold. He let out a sigh slowly moving his phone up to show Emi looking sheepish. You smiled waving at her. "I'm going to let y'all enjoy your time together. be sure to invite me to the wedding!" Before either one of them can comment you hung up on them going back to the living room to Ruska. She more than likely heard you because she had really good hearing courtesy of her quirk. She pretended not to though for your sake.

"How did it go?" You relayed to her what you discovered and, she was more surprised than anything. There was nothing to be surprised about. Shouta was a man regardless of how good of a head he has on shoulders, the head between his legs sometimes will prevail over logic. You hoped the two of them do end up having children and/or possibly getting married. Now you have 9 people. Nine. You had nine people to consider being with and, it was too much for your mind to handle. It was going to be tomorrow's problem.

"Hey Ruska. You wanna help me make dinner and stay with my children for a bit?" She agreed with no excuse and the two of you turned to lighter topics while cooking and just bugging out. Once your children came home they were excited to hang out with Ruska for a few hours before it was time for her to go home. She said next time she will drink and spend the night. She only stays if she had too much to drink.


It was about a week later and you had eliminated Jin and Atsu. You were not right about them wanting to be a throuple with you. They did not want a romantic relationship with you, they wanted a sexual relationship and that was something that you no longer wanted. You told them this and, they were a 100% understanding. You gave them the option to still stay in your children life as a friend or uncle. They agreed under the conditions of not seeing each other for a while to sort out their feelings which was fine with you. As long as they don't act weird when they come back. What came as a surprise to you was Masaki though! He had called you saying that he really liked you but, he does not have the mental capacity to be a father. That was 100 percent fine and understandable. He needed time to get over his feelings for you so you told him you won't change his number nor contact him first.

"I still can't believe you turned down Tsunagu and Ryo." She did not have to continue to rub it in. You hurt your own feelings with that. You wanted to date them and see where it would go but, Tsunagu was too worried that your children would become a target for the hero commission and villains. That was something that he just couldn't risk. Ryo was mutual for the two of you because Tenko was too nervous around him and he had too much of a temper. Not enough patience to balance hero work and a girlfriend with 3 children who one of them is scared of him.

"Those two legit hurt my heart. I'm sad about me not being neither one of their girlfriends. Now all I got is Taishiro, Rumi and Kugo." She made a face which had you looking at her with an eyebrow raised. She went to her phone and opened messages. Now you were curious as to what she was going to be showing you. She opened messages between her and Fatgum. You blinked at the sheer flirtation between the two of them. You looked at her, read the messages, looked at her again. It was dead silent for a few. You calmly put the phone down on the table. You smiled softly at her. She tried to smile but, before it can come across her face you punched her. Sending her flying across the room.


"WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU HAVE ME WASTE MY EVER-LOVING GOD DAMN TIME WITH EVEN CONSIDERING TAISHIRO. GET THE FUCK OUT MY HOUSE BITCH" She didn't say anything as she grabbed her phone and slinked out your house. She had one more chance before she was going to be cut off completely. You huffed looking at the time before remembering this was the weekend they were spending with Inko and Rei at their shared home. No surprise to you, Inko is the one who asked out Rei and now the two of them were dating. They were both very cute and deserved all the happiness in the world. It was up to you to choose now. Kugo. Or Rumi. You thought about it. They both were very ideal partners. They both do like you and your children. Kugo loves kids. They both are capable of giving you children as well. They both had a shit ton of money too and were kind to you and your children. Damn this was hard. You decided a shower would suffice. You went to your room grabbed all your stuff and jumped in the bathroom. It was about 20 minutes in and, you were unaware of the presence with you in the bathroom. Once you came out, you had your eyes closed wrapping the towel around you before drying your face with a washcloth.

"Y/N." You shrieked throwing out your hand only to have it grabbed in one large hand. You looked at the culprit ready to attack only to breathe at the sight of Rumi. The bitch has got to stop doing that shit to you.

"You couldn't make noise Rumi you bitch! Scared the shit out of me what if I would have sliced you!?" She seemed amused at the idea of you trying to hurt her.

"I doubt very seriously you can." You rolled your eyes gripping your towel for dear life with your free hand.

"I did not come out of this shower to be insulted in my own house. What are you doing here? Don't you have patrol or some poor shit-stains ass to kick into oblivion?" She chuckled loosening the grip on your hand. You huffed rushing to your room to at least throw on a giant shirt. Just in time too because she came into your room.

"I and you are dating now." You choked on air grabbing the half-full water bottle and chugging it down. You turned to her incredulously to see her calm face. She was too calm. Too serious. There was no sign of her cockiness, her smirk, her bravado. She was a bit tense but, her face was calm and collected. She was serious

"You...seriously. Want to date me?" She nodded her head in affirmative as your eyes narrowed. You walked up to her getting into her personal space. "You sure? Don't mind that I have three children? My mood swings? My insecurities? None of it?" She tilted her head to the side smiling a little before lifting her hand to your cheek to caress it

"I am not saying it will be easy...I have my own insecurities after all...However, I feel together we will be great. We can be okay...On the contrary, I actually love children but, I can't ruin my stronghold reputation." You snorted making her grin. The two of you stood there enjoying each other's presence before you spoke.

"Fine." She opened her eyes to look at you in surprise. You simply smiled leaning onto her and placing a kiss on her cheek. "I think we will be fine....together." Not the ending you expected, but an ending you will accept.


This is the end of the story!.... For now. I want to thank you guys so much for sticking around until the end of this story! One day I shall return for an epilogue and a bonus chapter of all the other people you could have possibly chosen...This is the end! THANK YOU!

Lizard Queen *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now