Entry Two

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    "Please remember to read chapters 16-18 tonight as homework!" My teacher's loud voice racked my brain. Sometimes, I just wanted to skip class, but I had to stand as a role model, an example. For whom? No idea, as I wasn't even King anymore. I was dethroned by that kid a month ago. I sighed to myself, how pathetic. After leaving class, I just happened to past by that "kid" in the hallways. What lovely timing.

    John just walked and walked, his fists clenched. He was looking at the ground, as if to avoid everyones faces. I stopped in my tracks. What a hypocrite. He wanted power, and now he's playing victim the moment he gets it. Seriously, what is up with this school?

    I ended up being distracted while reading my homework chapters that night. I couldn't stop thinking about all the events that happened at school this year. Turf Wars, the press, the Joker incident, Seraphina's loss of ability. How strange. Thinking back on these events made me realize how much John was the cause of these events.

    But then again, weren't I a cause too?

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