◅ Chapter 5 ▻

En başından başla

The squad all nodded slowly as Katsuki ended his speech and he saw determination wash away their forlorn expressions. They shared glances, supportive nudges, and small smiles that said they were all in this together without even speaking a word. This was a shared experience and they weren't gonna abandon each other now, or ever. 

"Let's go look for Inko then, yeah?" Kiri said, smiling as he encouraged the squad to get moving. 

They turned to leave, Kiri flicking on the overhead light as they realised just how dark the night outside had become, and Tokoyami started snuffing out the candles.

"Split up, put on all the overhead lights, I should be able to see her shadow. You guys are gonna have to walk around like idiots, since you can't see her, and see if she makes you fuckers cry. If you find her then shout for the rest of us."

The Squad, and Tokoyami, nodded. Following Katsuki's instructions they retrieved their phones from the hall before splitting up to search the dark house.

Katsuki wandered into the dining room, flicking on the light switch and looking around the room. Finding nothing out of the ordinary, no unexplained shadows or fucked-up feelings, he took a moment to check his phone. He scowled down at it when he saw no response from Deku and no update on whether he could make their date. He was worrying he'd come on too strong, or that a seemingly sweet kid like Deku just didn't wanna date some hot-headed fuckboy sports star. There was no harm in checking in, right?

He rattled off a quick text to the greenette, asking if he had straightened it out with his old man to come ice skating, being sure to add that he was free all weekend so Deku had options. There was no way he could be busy all weekend, and if his dad stopped him going then surely Deku would just tell him. He hoped so anyway. 

Walking back into the hall he heard Denki shouting from the back porch.

"Guys!" Katsuki approached the porch door, as Denki yelled into the house with tears staining his face, still holding the door open, "I think I found her!"

Soon they were all crowded out onto the porch shivering from the cold winter wind, following the direction of Denki's outstretched hand as he pointed to the corner of the porch decking where it met the wooden bannister and the wall of the house. 

In the dense dark of the night Denki shone his phone's torch into the corner for Katsuki to see. Sure enough the darkness there did not dissipate, or lighten in any way. 

"It's her right?" Denki asked, words stuttering as his body shuddered. 

Katsuki nodded, bringing his arms tightly across his chest against the cold as he peered closer. 

"Why's she out here?" Sero asked from the back of the group. 

They all looked around. Katsuki's eyes left Inko's shadow and passed over the darkened features of the porch, across the garden stretching out past the reach of the faint glow spilling out of the open back door, and on into the blackness beyond. 

"Not a fucking clue," Katsuki said, shaking his head but certain her being out here had to mean something.

"Oi, goth boy, make sure you make a note of this." 

With that, the group bid Inko goodnight and Katsuki peered out one final time into the night before nodding to the shadow sunk into the corner of the porch, then he made his way back into the warmth of the house.

By the time Monday morning had rolled around the Squad were all deep into researching 'Inko', and any connections to the clues she'd given via the spirit board were added to a new group chat and shared drive which included Tokoyami. He'd started the drive to save any evidence or important information and had a geeky spreadsheet set up to record their findings and associated materials.

Don't Be Afraid of Shadows (BakuDeku)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin