Unforeseen Reunion

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N-No... no! T-This can't be possible!

Mipha's complexion immediately became petrified with dread, matching the characteristics of a statue with that of a horrified expression forever etched on its stone-cold surface. The remnants of the past gradually congregated together to form one indefinite conclusion: she had unknowingly passed on into the other life... and with that being said, everything before her now was a delusional mirage only meant to offer a surplus of agony onto her suffering.

This was hell.

"I... I'm dreaming... t-this is not r-real... you're not... r-real...." Mipha croaked wearily with teary eyes before her quivering lips sealed shut.

"I am dead... dead... dead... dead...."

There was absolutely nothing else she could venture forth to utter past this point. Her mind was unable to process anything and barely functioned in remaining sane; time itself seemed to have impeded to a painful halt, offering no sympathy to those afflicted. The surroundings became blurry to the eye, leaving only the ghostly figure clearly visible, whose presence was becoming increasingly amplified by the passing second.

It could've been sworn that she heard Link call out her name before, but the fabrics of reality and fantasy were so deeply intertwined at this point, that she wasn't certain what to believe anymore. Surely, her feet were treading upon the world of thought and imagination, only this time amplified to a dangerous degree... her father warned of such deceiving instances....

The two characters stood equidistant from each other with the Veiled Falls sending a constant, yet refreshing breeze of fresh air throughout the midst; no one dared to move an inch forward, waiting for the other to make the initial approach. It was fairly obvious that neither fully believed in the existence of the other party, at least one of them had trouble accrediting so. The impulsive instincts from both individuals refused to allow them the benefit of even considering that the other was not a blurred image from the past.

Mipha earnestly awaited whether or not the Hylian, which she now began to doubt whether it was indeed Link, would take another step forward to justify his apparition. Yet, against all antecedent internal repression, she was the first to break the forlorn silence and went contrarily her emotions.

With one trembling step over the other, the frail Zora cautiously advanced towards the spectral figure as if she were walking in slow motion. Every time her foot stretched forth seemed to take a year to make contact with the ground. Everything felt painfully real to the senses, yet it was sufficient enough for her to believe she was trapped in another body, in a completely different universe and timeline. Such comical fantasy was viewed as means of salvation and a sign of coming close to death itself.

Without hint or warning, Mipha's legs suddenly stopped functioning and remained firmly entrenched to the mossy ground, ignoring the orders emitted from the brain as if they possessed a will of their own. The abrupt action alerted her honed senses, yet they were rid powerless here.

Her body had given up under the pressure, unable to process anything further; were it not for her nerves, she would have assumed her physical body died.

Upon noticing this impedance, Link... or so it seemed... took an implacable step forward and surprisingly stopped there, leaving several paces between Mipha and himself, just enough for one to distinguish even the finest of details on the other individual; he then gently waved with a slight motion of his right hand as if it were a common occurrence, nothing out of the ordinary. A warm, casual greeting. His pure, blissful smile blazoned across his pale face... it felt uncomfortably unnatural and grossly eerie to witness... in fact, everything about the estranged Hylian shook Mipha to the core. The multitude of red flags arising in her bosom were impossible to cast aside; it all made her nauseous.

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