"Alison!", Addison and Arieon screamed as the water splashed on them. Alison popped out of the water laughing hard.

"That's it!", Addison yanked off her robe and grabbed a float noodle from the table before jumping into the water.

"Ouch!", Alison cried out as she rubbed her butt where Addison hit with the noddle.

"Payback's a bitch", Addison said with a sly grin.

Arieon shook her head as a smile formed on her lips as she watched her sisters fight in the pool.

"Get off me you fat pig!", Alison shrieked as she pushed  Addison off her. "Arieon jump in. The water is awesome!", She told Arieon.

Agreeing with her sister, Arieon placed her already soaked novel on the coffee table and took off her robe before jumping into the water.

Arieon's body shivered as the cold water hit her skin. It was a nice feeling though.

"Do you guys remember those times we used to fool mom and dad?", Alison asked them. They nodded as they remembered how naughty they were when they were little.

"We could have fooled the teachers if we weren't sent to different boarding schools", Arieon said and they nodded.

"When are we going to move out of this house though? I'm not saying it's bad but we're ways around them and this house is stupidly huge", Alison.

"I was thinking the same", Arieon said and Addison nodded.

"We're turning twenty two on Saturday!", Addison squealed and they laughed. When it came to parties or birthdays, Addison was always excited. Whether you wanted to celebrate your birthday or not, as long as Addison was there you'll celebrate it.

"We need to take a photoshoot together", Alison said. "We should wear the same outfit", Addison said. Arieon shook her head, "let's not try that again. Remember last time".

Three of them cringed as they remembered how Dylan almost kissed her on their twentieth birthday.

"Let's brush that aside", Addison suggested and they nodded. "What do you guys want for your birthday?", She asked her sisters.

"Honestly, I don't know", Arieon admitted. "Me too", Alison said. "Let's surprise one another then", Addison said and they nodded.

Fortunately, Arieon had already gotten Alison a gift. She was a lover of fashionable sneakers so Arieon had to queue for the latest Prada sneakers along with a matching sunglasses and a golden diamond quartz wristwatch.

Addison wasn't a picky chooser but she was more of a dress person so Arieon decided to buy her half a wardrobe full of designer dresses.

"Girls! It's time for dinner!", They heard their mother shout from inside the house.

"We need to move out fast", Alison said and they laughed.

"We'll talk to them about it tonight", Addison said as they got out of the pool and wrapped themselves with towels.

"I'm talking a shower", Arieon said as she picked up her robe. Her sisters agreed and they quickly went to their rooms to take a shower.

"This chicken salsa is to die for!", Alison moaned as she stuffed her face with her mother's delicacy.

Lucas and Elisa laughed while her sisters shook their heads.

"I'm glad you like it", Elisa said.

The triplets shared a look and Addison nodded.

"Mom, dad, there's something important we need to talk about", she said. "We're all ears", Lucas said.

Addison cleared her throat while Arieon took a gulp of her wine.

"Arieon, Alison and I decided it's time we began to live on our own", she said. There was a pin drop silence for about five minutes before Lucas cleared his throat.

"You girls want to live alone", he said and they nodded.

"We have jobs and we're capable of taking care of ourselves", Arieon said.

Lucas eyes met his daughter's. Her sea blue eyes were just like her mother's. His precious child would soon be taken Way from him.

"Dad, we can't continue to be choked up in this place. I'm not complaining about the shelter and stuff but it's kind of weird to be at the age of twenty one and still live with our parents", Alison explained.

"As long as you guys stay out of trouble", Elisa said. "We're old enough to take care of ourselves", Alison rolled her eyes.

"Your safety is important too", Lucas told them. "It's not like you don't send guards to follow us everywhere we go", Addison mumbled.

Elisa and Lucas shrugged. "I have three beautiful girls. I'm a successful billionaire and an influencer, of course I'll send guards to follow everywhere", Lucas said and they chuckled.


"Capo", Klaus walked into the office. 'Capo' looked up from his laptop and raised a brow. "Spill", he said.

"He refused to talk", Klaus said. "Kill him. I don't fancy my men wasting their energy on a useless prick", the Capo said angrily.

Klaus nodded and left the room.

He turned back to what he was doing.

On the screen of his laptop was a display of Arieon and her sisters at the mall.

They were trying out the dresses they would wear for their birthday party.

The day he would claim his property.

A sly grin spread on his face as he watched how she laughed at what her sisters were saying. Her beautiful blue eyes crinkled when she laughed and a dimple would appear on her cheeks.

People could not differentiate the triplets but he could do that with ease.

Arieon had the bluest eyes among them and both her cheeks were dimpled.

Alison had blue-gray eyes and only one of her cheeks were dimpled. She had a more mature face than the two.

Addison had a very faint dimple on both of her cheeks and she had only a dimple on her left cheek.

Very soon, Arieon will be his and his only to do whatever he pleases.

"Soon, my dear", he said with a devious grin.

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