" So that's about my story. I will take up the classes from tomorrow onwards. I will try my level best not to bore you all the time. If I get any important materials regarding my topics I would share it with you. If you need clarifications you can call me or drop a text. I will be in the campus almost everyday,  you know the way to the department, walk in when you want to talk. But try to avoid extremely personal talks, I might be kicked out from the campus if it goes viral. As your lecturer and as a well wisher I will be there to help you.
Oh I forgot to mention, I will be your academic advisor for this year, so please bear with me. Fine I will let you rest till the next class. I will take my leave. Have a good day"

He scribbled his number on the board and walked out of the class. Since mobile phones were allowed inside classroom, we quickly saved his number on contact.

Our next classes resumed as usual and when it was lunch hour Pri barged into my room with her bag.
" How was it? Did you enjoy? "
  Was her question.
" What nonsense Pri....He just came to our class and talked to us. What is in it to enjoy or not?"
" Still Nidhu, entire college is talking about him and look at you giving me all these boring looks. Does your body still produce necessary hormones or not?  I need to ask your parents to get you checked"
" Shut up Pri. He is my lecturer, you want me to fantasize about him or what? Stupid.."
" Fantasize is a huge term for you. At least develop some minor crush towards that walking mannequin. You really need to improve Nidhu. I am scared about your future "
" If you don't stop your nonsense now, my next call to Samay would damage your love life's future. So beware. "
I smirked at her and she stuck her tongue out in response.

We continued to bicker during lunch hour and after the classes ended, I went back home. Since I already had too many assignments, I started working on it as soon as I finished my coffee. It was  around 8.30 when Amma asked me to join for dinner. Appa asked me about me and Shrey's studies during dinner. We talked for sometime and I went back to my room after dinner to finish up my pending works.

Chiranth sir started the exam preparation sessions after one week and it was actually helpful. His regular classes were much better than others and he tried to reduce the complex topics into simple things we can easily grasp. There is always a usual tendency where the lecturers who completed their PhD struggle to reach the level of students, but he easily understood our issues and solved it in easier ways. He was not just the eye candy of college but also slowly started becoming our favorite lecturer.

Out of 30 members in my class only 10 joined his class and he discussed all the important topics with us. Communicating with him was easier than expected and I always pestered him with my tons of questions after class hours and he never complained about it but answered happily.

Our internals soon began and our  concentration was entirely focused on studies. Everyone was quite satisfied with their performance in the internal. Days were passing in blur because of our busy timetable.

We had to attend a seminar in university college and since final year students were busy, we first year students had to attend it. Chiranth sir came to our class and briefed about the seminar. Since the topic was industrial chemistry I quickly raised my hand to show my interest. A total 6 members from my class decided to attend the seminar and he asked us to meet him in the staff room.

We discussed about everything and since it was nearby college for us we decided to gather at our college and leave together.
After two days we had the seminar and we left to the college together. During the entire seminar I thoroughly enjoyed hearing the experience of officials from different well known industries.

" Looks like you really enjoyed the seminars. Interested in Industrial chem? "
He asked me while we were at the formal program.
" It's the very reason I opted chemistry for Masters."
I answered with my enthusiastic smile.

" Then you must be more inclined towards GATE, so hard work doubles "
" Its indeed a tough one. But I want to try and test myself. Hope my dreams will come true some day"
" As your academic advisor, I am actually impressed with your performance. You do have all the capacity to clear the exam. But can I give you a suggestion as a friend or may be as a well-wisher? "
" Sure sir. I can learn things from your experience "
" Try not to pressurize yourself in the process of having a bright future. Dreaming about tomorrow is a great thing but you need to live and love your today so you don't regret your yesterdays.
I know you're intelligent enough to understand my words. If you are in need of any stupid suggestions you can ask me"
" You really sound like some senior of mine rather than my lecturer. But I will definitely consider your words and thank you for the concern "
" Anything that helps my students. I just don't want you people to consider me as some alien creature whom you're scared to consult.
You know, I had a professor in my PhD classes, we used to talk to her like a classmate. We used to argue over topics and she would go to any lengths of arguments to prove us wrong. But if she was wrong she would humbly admit her mistakes and move on. It's because of her I started loving this profession. It gives me feeling of satisfaction when I talk to my students about their lives, dreams and stuff other than just my subjects. Hope I am not boring you now"
" Definitely not sir. Its really rare to find someone who treats students like friends. The way you behave with us is really refreshing in the campus filled with experienced lecturers giving us tons of preaching about life. You have a huge fan club in the campus sir. You can actually start giving pep talks to the students. Trust me the entire auditorium will be filled with students"

He smiled at my words and continued talking
" I take that as a compliment then. I don't speak things out of philosophy books. Its just something I learnt in life with my own experience, if that can help someone I'm more than happy"
" It feels good to hear your experiences Sir. But hope you will stay in the campus till I graduate. You know, young lecturers don't stick for a long time sometimes. I would definitely miss my crash course classes if you leave "
" Ohh... Don't worry about it. I am planning to settle down here. So I am not planning to runaway any soon. I like this campus, the authority take good care of students as well as my bank balance. So I wouldn't want to loose this opportunity"
" I see.... You know this could be one of the new gossips if the students gets to know"
" I am trusting you with this. Please save my dignity in campus"
We both laughed at each other.

The formal program came to an end and we were at our college at 4.
"Fine guys, you behaved well and saved our college's reputation and hope you learnt something from today's sessions. If you didn't its still ok, consider this as an outing with your classmates. So see you tomorrow in the classroom. Take care and head back home safe"
He waved at us and went back with his car. I bid goodbyes to my classmates and left home. It was an eventful day as a whole.

Finally everything started falling into place in Shrinidhi's life. But now that Chiranth has joined aboard, will it affect her journey or not?

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