That's Illegal

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Shock. That's all I felt. It consumed me, taking the color in my face along with it. My very own mother decided to sell me off to Popular boy band One Direction, which is very much illegal by the way, and I'm leaving today. No warnings, nothing. The shock nested in the pit of my stomach, and after hearing the big news I knew it was there to stay.

"Aren't you at least going to say goodbye?"

"Yeah. Goodbye."

Mother chucks my bag full of clothes at me, knocking me from the top of the stairs all the way down to the very bottom. Each step I fell down left me feeling even more numb than the last. I laid at the bottom of the stairs, soaking up the numbness that surrounded my body like a bad omen. Also, this isn't just a metaphor. My whole body physically went numb and I had to be hauled into the vehicle since I was left unable to move after the first ten steps.

The car ride was silent. Popular boy band One Direction tried to play some music on the radio to cheer me up, but not even "Shake it Off" could help me shake off the feeling that I was not feeling due to the fact that I was still very much numb; It was going to be a long night.

"We're here!" Popular boy band One Direction exclaimed as they pulled into a house shaped like a giant shoe. Thousands of children came pouring out through the doors and windows that I don't think the old lady that accompanied them knew what to do. She probably gave them broth without any bread.

"So this is where I'm going to be living from now on?" I muttered ever so quietly.

"Oh shit wrong house." Popular boy band One Direction quickly slammed on the gas, backing out faster than the children that made their way behind the car. A couple thuds filled every corner of the vehicle; then, silence.

"We're here!" This time the house we were parked in front of was a giant mansion.

"Wow, I could get used to this!"

Popular boy band One Direction pulls out a tiny remote and clicks one button, causing the entire mansion to sink underground. In its place, a house that looks exactly like the one I literally just moved out of appears.

"We wanted you to be comfortable, so we remodeled the house to look exactly like your old one!"

One by one, Popular boy band One Direction exited the driver's seat and headed inside the house. They must have forgot that I was unable to move, because they walked inside and shut the door behind them without ever looking back.

"Bring the mansion back! Bring the God damn mansion back!" My pleas faded away as the day turned to night. I was left in the car until morning.

I was Sold to Popular Boy Band One Direction, but they Made Me do Manual LabourWhere stories live. Discover now